Dog Shrink, having kept one leo for several months doesn't make you know everything. As I mentioned in another thread, everyone does things differently. You really need to spend the time to accumulate experience to figure out what's best for your own leo. Temperauture is one thing, how about humidity, type of substrate, location of hides, size of tank...etc. They all come in one package. You can't just ignore everything and tell someone they should lower their temperature to match YOUR ideal temp. Your Eros had shedding problems. You ever considered humidity issues? You mentioned your pin-up board in your room crumbles within 2 years, that sounds like you have very low relative humidity. Perhaps with higher humidity, Eros can still shed well with an upper warm spot of 95/96? How about supplements? I know you recently switched to Repashy. Did you just made the switch one day or did you switch over gradually? Sometimes their body needs time to get use to a new supplement - this could also have something to do with the armpit bubbles you discovered on Eros a while ago. I'm typing all this just to show that there are a lot of variables in husbandry. So there really is no point to go around telling people its better to limit their leos at lower temps because not all leos can thermoregulate.
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