Slight confusion


So, I got a betta... and I am the ultimate noob with fish in almost any way, shape, or form. On one of the other threads about bettas, someone mentioned bubbles on their tank and called it a natural Nitrogen cycle thing. On my tank (and my sisters) we don't have any filters for the betta, but I do plan on regularly changing the water.
However, upon reading how to cycle a aquarium you need a filter to get rid of the bubbles? From what I got out of it. However, nearly all the bubbles are gone on my sisters tank, and there is still copious amounts on mine.

Overall, I'm confused on the whole subject about if the bubbles on the side of the tank are bad or not. Sorry for my noobness, I've never owned a fish before xD I'm without a doubt more of a reptile person.

Anyways, thank you for any help in advance, and again, sorry for my noobness with fish.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
If yoru betta is a male then those bubbles are most likely a bubble nest. Males build those in order to attract a female. Bettas are of course clueless to the fact they are in a fish tank and a girl isn't going to magically appear. Some betta owners claim bubbles are a good sign that the fish is happy, though I don't know how accurate that is. If you have a filter it will break up any bubble nest your guy tries to build unless you keep the flow very low.

The bubbles in your tank are fine. If they are sticky then you'll know they are a bubble nest. You can buy test kits to find out what your nitrate and nitrite (I think) levels are.. which are a very good way of keeping track of how clean your tank really is. You can't just use sight.


Excuse my ignorance, but aren't bubble nests just on the top? It's all over the tank, though, I considered that as well but I wasn't sure. As far as filters, I doubt I'll get one.

I'll have to invest in some of that stuff as well. Pretty soon I'm going to buy a heater, I've read they absolutely positively need one.. and thank you for the help :)


New Member
First of all, I'm glad you read about the Nitrogen Cycle! Not many fish owners know about it, although it's quite important. Now to answer your question, yes, I believe bubble nests are just on the surface of the water. If you just set up the tank, it could just be from putting the water in. I wouldn't worry too much about it yet. Also, IMO, all fish should have a filter. It's great you're getting a heater, but I would get a filter too. They're really not that much money. I used this one for my betta Eventually I had to replace the air pump, but I think it's perfect for a betta tank. Hope I helped :)


New Member
Bay Area, CA
Oh, I missed the "all over the tank," somehow. yes, bubble nests are only on the top. Sorry about that. Are they just tiny bubbles all over? If so I am pretty sure it's what lovelovelove said... just from pouring in the water for the first time. If you could take a picture it would be easier to tell.

What size tank are you using? I "think," you'll see the bubbles I am thinking of more often on plastic/acrylic than you will on glass, though its probably possible on both.


New Member
palmetto FL
Bettas are one of the few fish i say can be filterless so long as you perform a 100% water change 1-2 times a week to get rid of all the amonia. THIS IS NESSECCARY. Ive been doing betta for 4 years now, currently i have only 3 and their all in filtered heated tanks. Bettas do require a heater, no way around that. They do best a 80f but can go 78. Ambiant room temp is higher then water temp so if your room is 78f then the tank is cooler. Post a pic of your steup, is it glass or plastic(i find plastic is bubble prone). I dont recomend cycling the tank with the fish in as bettas are prone to amonia issues, exspecialy with the unpredictable spikes in amonia. If you wish to cycle it in the futer remove the fish to a seperate tank/container(so long as its 2.5gal) and then cycle without fish.


Yea, I'm bugging my mom to bring me back to the pet store to buy a heater (or get one online) Someone recommended a Marina Submersible C10 heater, what do you guys suggest? For pictures, honestly I have never got them to work ^^""" so I'll just post the video here that I made yesterday *terrible lighting in my room, sorry about that*
Anyways, of course i'll be changing the water around 100% 1-2 times a week, I'd hate for my fish to die fast, or any animal I would own at that. For cycling, I suppose I won't do it if you don't recommend it.
But yea, it's some sort of plastic so that explains a lot.

Here's the video:

Again, thank you all for the help xD It's much appreciated.
Hopefully my sister will take good care of her's she did good with her friends goldfish... but I'm not sure how good she'll do with hers :/ I might end up having to take care of it (She's not the best with pets)


New Member
palmetto FL
erm how big is the bowl? Bettas need a 2- 2.5gal MIN. Really a 5gal is ideal and a 10gal+ is paradise, those are pretty veiltails, 1 blue 1 red. I reccomend the marineland. I also like to reccomend new life spectrum betta pellets. Look at the ingrideints on any betta pellets and if it says "corn meal, wheat meal" or any kind of grain or rice you want to avoid it. Betta are insectivore/carnivores and require things like shrimp meal and such. BEST food you cann get is frozen variaty packs. Blood worms make good treats everynow and then. DONT feed freeze dried, its murder.


It didn't say, but when I did the math for the volume *did all the measurement myself* its about 2 gallons or so. I'd probably get a 5 gallon.
Come Christmas I'm going to ask for a betta tank, or at least a filter. I don't have enough money to buy one myself at the moment.
For food I have flakes (dont want to use them) and Hikari pellets, I've heard from many people they were good... and yup, I don't plan on feeding any freeze-dried stuff. On they said if you do, do it in EXTREMELY small amounts, but its' recommended to not do it at all. I found it interesting they were meat-eaters of sorts. Till up about a week ago when I did research, I thought they were vegetarian. I'll for sure have to look for some frozen variety pack stuff.
I can't wait till I can get/have my own job though, then I can get all this stuff on my own opposed to having to use what money I do have (Usually around $30-100) and my parents have. It'll make life so much easier xD

And thank you xD I thought they were pretty too... where we bought them they seemed pretty healthy compared to the other places we looked. I find it interesting Betta's can get depressed.


New Member
palmetto FL
Bettas need entertainment and such or they will get bored. Continue to perform 100% water changes 2 times a week and keep the bowl heated.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
I have had a few bettas (only 4) and none of mine have even ate the freeze dried worms, don't waste your money.

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New Member
Bay Area, CA
I need to update on my fish reading (its been a while since I did any serious homework). I didn't know that, but at least I do know! Good thing the bettas were smarter than me.

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New Member
Bay Area, CA
I bought some frozen brine shrimp but my fish could care less. At the moment he will only eat betta food of one specific brand. I had one previous betta like this and he ended up dieing young (my other two have done pretty well... past fish). Hopefully this one will not meet the same fate. I will try the mix pack to see if he will eat it.

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Grass Valley, California
oftentimes water will have dissolved gases in it, especially if it's from a well or under pressure. when water is put into the tank at atmospheric pressures, the gases will escape from the water and form bubbles in the process.
i wouldn't worry about it, personally.


New Member
palmetto FL
^ yup. Also be careful of hikari betta pellets, due to a recipe change i no longer consider them betta food, more like betta crackers.

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