Small Dilemma


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Ken has asked Alex to take four of our breedable females to his place for a breeding loan. Problem is these are with recesives that we don't have, a Clown and Pied. Well we have a pied 07 female but no breeding male. Each male will be bred with a normal and a pastel, you see where we are going here. We have another female out on loan with another friend that is also being bred to a clown so we'll have non related hets. We want to hold back all pastel hets that we get out of the deal and only sell the normal hets. Being that we are both fairly new to balls and the cut throat market out there, I'm concerned we will not be able to sell these hets. It's going to be hard enough to sell hets that we have visuals for.

Am I worrying for nothing? What would you guys do when it comes time to sell the hets that we have no visual morph for?

Should we get Alex to take pics of the locks and the females with their clutches. I'm sure he would do this if Ken asked so that we can use them as some form of proof when it comes to sell time.


I'm baaaaaack!
That's a tough one, Felicia. Even if pictures are taken of the actual breeding, there's no way to prove that a particular baby hatched from an egg that resulted from that breeding. It really only proves that two specific adults were bred together.

Trust issues aside, mistakes can happen. I'm assuming Alex probably has people working for him who breed and maintain the snakes--who knows if they might slip up or get confused, you know?

The problem is that you would be selling the hets, thus you would be the one taking the responsibility [and the fall] if something happens like one of the hets not proving out. Having one's reputation at stake is what motivates people to be trustworthy and careful. In this case though, your reputation banks on Alex's trustworthiness and carefulness.

I guess what I'm wondering is what your plan is for the females. Would Alex be keeping them until they lay the eggs? I would consider having him do so, and then taking it one step further by asking Alex to hatch out the babies, give you the visuals and have him sell the normal hets. That way he would have more to be held accountable for, and it wouldn't be your reputation on the line if something goes wrong. ...Just a thought.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Oh I had planned on having Alex keep the girls until they lay and also have him incubate. I'm not sure as of yet what we are going to work out on this. Ken just talked to him today about it.

I'm torn when it comes to Alex because of Ken. I've gotten to know him and on a personal level he's an ok guy.

Any mistakes as to who fathered the clutches would be pretty much on Alex and Heather since the only person that goes to his house to help pretty much just does feeding and cleaning from my understanding.

I do like your idea about having Alex sell the normal hets. I'm heading up there next week for New Years, maybe Ken and I will take a drive out to Alex's and talk about all this, since we have to pick up a snake.


New Member
Central California
I think I'd want Alex to deal with the normal hets if possible. It would probably be hard to move them all as a "new" breeder (I'm thinking you're going to have ALOT). Perhaps he would be willing to put a notation on the site that these were produced in conjunction with you - like he did with some of those Mack snows for... I forget who. Then you wouldn't have to deal with it, the snakes would get sold, and your name would get some exposure.

Also, if you are worried about mistakes, perhaps Ken could go do the pairing himself?


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
That's another good idea.

Ken pairing them would be good, but Alex is two hours away from Ken. Alex is currently pair those males with some of his girls so I'm sure he wouldn't want us to take them from his place to use.


New Member
Central California
Bummer. I thought they were closer than that. Is it time yet? perhaps you can do the pairing at New Year's? I'm sure you guys can find a good solution, though. If Alex is willing to post them with both your name and his, then I'm sure he will pair them correctly - as long as you have a nice clear plan that everyone understands (I'd write it down so nothing is forgotten).

I'm so excited for you and this new project! I can't wait to see all the cool stuff you hatch out this year! I'm only sad that I won't be able to visit you in RR if you've already moved to Michigan by summer!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
:( Yeah the plan is to move by March. If you will have a car while you're here, I'll only be 3 hours from River.... and didn't you say your family moved to Amherst? If so that's even closer. We'll have plenty of room for you to stay for a visit... :)


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Damn that felt soooo good to say.... the reptile hater would have had a fit knowing I said someone could stay at our home.... he was such an ass when Jeanne almost got stuck here. I know I'll never have a problem like that with Ken.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
BalloonzForU said:
Damn that felt soooo good to say.... the reptile hater would have had a fit knowing I said someone could stay at our home.... he was such an ass when Jeanne almost got stuck here. I know I'll never have a problem like that with Ken.



New Member
Grand Blanc, MI

Hopefully we will have all the reptiles moved into the new house by summer.... boy is his mom going to be pissed if we don't get Ken's out of her basement. She almost stepped on a baby corn that escaped that he didn't tell her about. lol

We'll at least have all the balls and geckos into the new house as soon as we move in. The corns, childrens and spotteds will all be moved last.

Oh and I don't think you'll mind sharing your guest room with a few snakes.... would you? ;)
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