So check out these idiots on youtube....


New Member

I agree with the top comment and cant stand the ignorance from the second comment.

It is Sick because that is to large a prey item for a Leo of any age or size, If you are going to feed a mouse to a Leo nothing larger than a pinky. Also a live mouse that size puts the gecko at risk for severe and potentially fatal bites, Feed Pre-killed or F/T when you feed rodents, and be sure to balance the diet with invertebrates as well
All this is is a display for the owners Ego, The gecko will probably die young in his care, and he will be to ignorant to ever understand why

The mouse could have scratched the geckos eye out or caused some kind of permanent damage.
:main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown:


New Member
Yeah, I thumbed down that one. There was another video of an idiot feeding a baby bird, too. There's nothing we can do about the idiots. Idiots will be idiots. The sad thing is that these videos may mislead new owners to think it's ok. Most owners don't come to forums like this one to find out how to properly raise their pets.


New Member
Milford PA
The guy is a damn fool. He's lucky the gecko didn't choke on that mouse or the mouse didn't fight back. I hate idiots...

Baby birds are not for a leo. Its not even a natural diet for them from what I know. I only fed baby finches to my Tokay's but they were full grown tokay's so its a bit different then a Leo eating a bird. And it was only every other month they got that meal.
Same with Pinkies or as I call em...Feeder lizards. Nothing wrong with keeping a natural diet but...A leo eating a mouse isn't natural.

There's another idiot vid of a guy letting his monitor eat a squirrel that it caught outside.


New Member
Ontario, Canada
I just saw that video a few days ago. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see if the gecko would be okay. Idiot.


New Member
Milford PA
actually yes. Small birds are also prey items for a tokay out in the wild. They eat the eggs usually but when birds hatch they will eat the babies. Finches are ALL OVER THE WORLD! Just different types of finches where they are from. Still its a finch and they will eat it. They also eat small lizards (which I used to use anoles for). Small pinky mice (I used to wait till they were at least 8 or so inches in length for this). Besides the insects they fed on they would take down small snakes (baby garter snakes or tree snakes). So yes they do. But I did it every other month. I never made it into a main feeder. The eggs also were a good treat. Normally I stuck with the largest crickets I could find for the most part. They were extremely happy I tell ya.


New Member
Why can't people just learn that you cant feed Leo's juvenile mice. You can only feed em pinkies. And I also noticed that the Leo's tank was devoid of a hide. This guy takes awful care of his pets.i also disliked the video

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