So cool....hand feeding is the sweetest thing!



So, a while back...I got a lone male Crested from a Craigslist ad. He is just a plain old normal Crestie and just as cute and sweet as he could be. I totally fell for him and the kids did also and I decided to get a couple of other Cresteds maybe one day to be lady friends for him...or not...we haven't totally decided. Well, I got the two females and they while they are both young still, already they were bigger, stockier than my first Crested...who knew-LOL! They are both a bit more skiddish than my first Crested but I have been working to let them get used to us...I figure that is the price to be paid from shopping from a real gecko breeder vs Craigslist...they are bigger/better fed but not as used to being handled.

Anyhow...their food is getting eaten..well, not tons of it compared to what I have read but everyday and there is obvious poop in the cage. The problem is that I have both of the females in the same cage so it is a bit hard to verify that both are doing everything they should be doing and that it is not all just one of them doing the eating/pooping. Both still seem to be a good size and active but one of them feels less soft/silky than my other two and I have been worried about her and occasionally I think she looks a little thinner than she was...I can't decide if she really is or not.

So....last night I was spot cleaning/misting/feeding their cage as I do every night and I decided to dip my finger in their food to try to get Icara (the one I worry about) to eat....well, she just pops right out of her leaf hiding spot and starts licking my finger. I picked her up out of the cage and put her on my hand and dipped again and she just was so mellow and sweet there and licked all the food off my finger. We just sat on the floor for more than 5minutes with me dipping my finger and her licking off all the food before she lost interest. It was SO MUCH FUN...I am hoping we can do this everyday night....what a great way to be sure she is eating and also get her used to be handled more. I am going to try with the other new one as well to see how it goes and with my older guy as well just for fun!

Definitely a pet highlight for me.....



I was worried about that but she just licked and licked. I ran out of time before trying it again last night..I just had to pop the food in and go. I will definitely be wary though about the biting bad is their bite? I have been biten once by my mean, anti-social little baby bearded dragon but she is little and while it was definitely led to a WTH moment, it was not really painful. I would like to keep it as my only bite experience though-LOL.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
The bite was not bad but anything on the pad of the finger is painful and annoying, especially since it was my dominant hand. He just saw something in front of his mouth and bit. He's an adult and not used to being fed.



New Member
Man, that's awesome. I just tried to pick up mine's water dish to refill it the other day, and he launched himself all the way across the tank and chomped onto me. It didn't hurt, but it did get my adrenaline pumping, hehe. I think I'll not be trying to handfeed him anytime soon.


New Member
Smeagol our first crested likes to eat his CGD off a baby spoon,lol. He is a tad bit spoiled. Our others are much more independant. They prefer to eat on their own. I have one hatchling that is a little coojo. He constantly tries to bite anything that moves in his/her tank

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