so excited just an update on my steno eggs


New Member
uk , lancashire
hi all well since the first eggs i have now 11 in total lol yes 11 ,please note all females were gravid when i got them , any ways the eggs that were layed on the 13thdec 2010 1 has veins but the 2nd im not sure if it has veins there very faint if have , and 2 that were layed on the 17th dec 2010 both have veins the other 7 have not been layed and incubated long enought to tell but 3/11 aint bad , so hopefull we have some baby stenos ,also just a bit of what ive done to help these eggs alsong

poly box-large
heat mat-thermostat-set at 28deg c
tubs (used cricket boxes with a few holes in lid )
sand in the tubs to lay the eggs on (no moist very dry)
2 sticks to make a shelf ,and 2" abouve the heat mat
thermostat set at 28deg but just torched my eggs today and 3 have veins
i thought i wouldnt have some sucess but this proves this works , and such a cheap way to do all thanks to people who have helped me so much to get this right

and hope everyone a



New Member
uk , lancashire
thank you both i will i now have 4 with veins ,but 2 eggs had to be left in the viv as were very close to the side didnt want to move them but 1 sadly cracked nothing inside but other 1 ok i think its still under the sand ,but my effort is more on the ones that have veins i will defo post pics once hatch if they hatch lol im doing ok so far lol so am determind to go all the way lmao


New Member
Congrats! Remember when you get to @ 50 days or so get some pinhead crickets for them. They are eating machines!


New Member
I'd look online..Your over in the UK and I believe you have adifferent species of cricket than we do in the states. Just look on line. A new hatchling will eat almost anything thats small enough in its mouth. I tried fruit flies and that was a disaster just a FYI for you. Happy New Year!


New Member
Same species of Crickets they just go by different names,

Black Field Crickets and Brown Planes Crickets.

Get 3 tubs of pinheads as they will go through about a tub in the first week, and if almost all eggs hatch there will be alot of mouths to feed.

Hope all goes well.

My Geckos have mastered a way of hopping over the temporary divide in the viv............... Back to the drawing board....


New Member
Steve, my first go 'round with the fruit flies was a mess too... lol. If you stun them in the freezer, they're a bit easier to deal with... Crickets are just so much easier.

btw- your kids are still doing great!


New Member
uk , lancashire
hi all well HOW MANY EGGS DO THEY LAY lmao ive 17 now as a few cracked when in the sand in the viv there just popping eggs lmao and roughly 5 so farhave veins and 1 thatwas laid on the 17th dec ,i can see like a little black dot inside could this be the baby or is it the egg starting to go bad ,theres no smell etc and not yellow pinkish with veins and dot


New Member
The black dot is the embryo forming. The eggs will develop an almost gray cast prior to hatching. They are extremely prolific! They'll keep breeding if you give them the chance. It might not be a bad idea to remove your male after 4-5 clutches to give the girls a break for a few months.


New Member
uk , lancashire
o ok , ive never seen any sexual activity lmao. i guess he waits till we gone to bed then is it the shell that turns like a grey ,and also tryed to look for some pin heads for the babys on internet but there in like dollers i thing not uk pound but if anybody has some trust worthy sites were i can get some that would be brill thanks


New Member
The shell stays the same color...white...but it will get somewhat transluscent as it fills with baby. Like a thin table cloth on a dark table. Give it time, you'll see what I mean.

Any company that produces crickets should be able to provide you with "pinheads". 10 day to two week olds are about perfect for them. Worst case talk to a local pet shop...they may be willing to order them for you. Good luck.

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