So Sick Right Now....


New Member
I am so sick to my stomach right now! I just came from the peststupid right up the road from me and I'm ready to kill someone! They had panther and leopard geckos house (3 of each) in a 5gal tank together, DEAD bugs in a dish, live crickets under the carpet (the ONLY good thing about the set up), crap all over the back of the tank. 3 of the geckos had dropped their tails, one had an abscess on its vent, and the most amazing thing was there was a blizzard in there that was moving around on its wrists because it couldn't even stand UP!

I swear I went off. The guy that opened the tank for me said "I didn't eve know that WAS a leopard gecko. I saw it the other day and thought it was dead." He was "Yes ma'am, No ma'am"ing me until he asked "ummm are you from the SPCA or humane society?" and when I told him no he got a totally "Well screw you then." attitude. When I got home I called the SPCA, I don't think anything is going to be done, they prolly cleaned out the tank but the next time I come in there I'm going to bring my camera so I can take pictures if it's bad.:main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown:

I know there's been many posts like this before but I wanted to yell at others who would care too. Sorry I'm all emo today.


Queen of Gecko Land
Trenton, NJ
totally understandable. you should see what they are shipped in. ALL GECKOS (adults, juvies, babies, and "jumbos") are shipped to pet* in 3 inches in diameter, 1 inch in height cups... they pretty much stuff them in there. it is the saddest thing ever. you wonder why the SPCA still lets pet stores like that carry live animals when they are so poorly taken care of in so many stores. =( i feel your anger, sista
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New Member
lol yep it is my name and a beautiful place, and no I didn't grow up in VA I actually grew up in WV.


Queen of Gecko Land
Trenton, NJ
wow that's awesome, my (old) neighbors just moved to west virginia! also a beautiful place =) haha i wish i had an original name like that.


New Member
Between two terrariums
:( The pet store here is full of dead and dying things too, the birds have all plucked their feathers out and there are no windows.

I needed food for my gecko and I went there to see if they had mealworms because it was closer than where I normally get them - I said as much, and the guy brought out some tiny little clear plastic containers I swear were Taco Johns salsa cups :tongue3: and opened one up - there were a bunch of empty shells and half of the rest were black. I said "Uh, a lot of those look dead" so he got another container and dug around through them, but they were mostly dead too. He was off for a third one when I just sighed and said "Oookay, I guess I'll get some crickets, then :main_rolleyes: " At least those are always alive ... and I have to go there for some reason or other so I can talk to the poor cockatoo in the back. I scratch his feathers and he sticks his feet out so I can play with them.

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