So what do you collect that doesn't have a pulse


I collect currency from around the world. My great-grandpa started me off with all the coins and bills he brought back from being stationed in Guam in WWII. I still keep all my coins in the old soap tin he gave me, too.
And I also collect movie ticket stubs and concert ticket stubs. The movie stubs (every single one for every movie I've been to in the theaters) goes back to 2002.
The soap tin and ticket stubs are all housed in my "special box of special things," along with a bunch of other sentimental stuff. :)


New Member
Austin, Texas
I also collect currency...but I just started, I'm not big on collecting anything...guess I haven't found anything.

I do collect those little penny things. The kind you put two quarters in and a penny and it smooshes it and stamps it. That was a great explanation :main_rolleyes:

I also have a ton of shot glasses from the places, states I've family moved across state, and got them at zoos, museums, ect. They take up so much space...I wish I decided to collected spoons :( But you can't really switch.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Some of them cost $1+ to use... I'm like seriously to smash a penny?! I never carry change, and if I have change it's usually not quarters or a shiny penny. :( They are fun to look at though...I have to say they're probably my favorite thing to collect. I don't have too many though, half the time I didn't have change :(

You always think you won't like it until you look back at weird.


I used to collect funky cartoonish fish decor (for one of my bathrooms) there was years and years of me searching everywhere to find unique things. Then the bathroom got a complete makeover, and I lent all my fish decor, and pictures, etc. to my in-laws for their shore house...Someday Im going to have a house in the Keys, and I'll ask for them back, actually probably by the time I can afford a house in the Keys...I wont have to ask :(


Shillelagh Law
There are people in this world who I call foamers. (No, I don't collect them, I'm going somewhere with this, stay with me)

I first encountered them as a young man when I attended a killifish convention. I had a lot of interest in aquarium fish (still do) and it was the third or fourth show I had gone to, the others having been more general or dedicated to cichlids. The show was small, held in the gymnasium of a local junior high, with rows of two-five gallon tanks sitting on folding tables in the dark. The attendees were walking down the aisles looking at the killifish using high-powered miniature flashlights held at an angle (the best way to view killifish).

In engaging a few of the attendees in conversation, most of them were quite decent, normal, intelligent folks who happened to be interested in killifish and enjoyed discussing them with like minded hobbyists and breeders. Some of them were foamers; exclusively men (I didn't meet a female foamer until a long time after), all of them with eyes like soft boiled eggs, who'd stare at the floor or their feet or a point about six inches past your ear while they were talking to you. Unless the subject was killifish. When discussing killifish, they became animated, flailing about and gesticulating wildly, speaking so fast the words were barely intelligible, with flecks of foam developing in the corners of their mouth.

I decided then and there that passions were great but obsessions were scary. I have made it a point ever since then to diversify, to find interest and enjoyment in many things rather than investing myself utterly in just one. I'm not so sure I've succeeded, I may have just ended up obsessed with everything instead of one thing.

I did jelly bean math on the bookshelves and estimate that there are about 17,000 books in my home, though some are duplicates. Non-fiction, fiction, classic literature and cheap paperbacks, I am a reader. I read. A lot.

I think comic books are a perfectly valid art form and have collected them since I was a small child, keeping them in good condition not because of any thought about their value as collectibles, but because I want to make sure I can go back and read them again later.

I'm from Boston, the greatest sports city in the world. There is sports memorabilia and sports themed... stuff... everywhere in my house. It's a shame the Super Bowl was cancelled this year, the Patriots were going to win it during their rebuilding year to close out the decade the way they opened it. The Super Bowl was cancelled! ShutupshutupshutupIhateyou!

I love music. I can't make any of it myself, I am not talented or gifted enough to have capabilities in that direction but I listen to it almost constantly. When MP3 players started to get bigger and cheaper, I began converting records, tapes and CDs that I owned into computer files. For use on my ip-od and home computer (mix tapes used to require two cassette recorders and effort, these playlist tools are handy). I have one and a half terabytes of music. My playlist, from start to finish, takes thirty seven days to complete (only repeating songs when they were present on multiple albums, studio version on one, live versions on another kind of deals).

I love movies and television, I own a DVD or two.

I enjoy games. The interactive process of spending time with other people who I like, sometimes in competition, sometimes in cooperation. It really doesn't matter what they are; from chess to darts, from connect four to dungeons and dragons, from english rummy to Omega Virus, from Trivial Pursuit to... nobody will play Trivial Pursuit with me anymore. If it has rules, I'll try it. (Kim Foose cheats at Scrabble)

Along the same lines as the above, I do play video games. I've owned every significant home video game system since the ColecoVision* and will happily spend time destroying high score counters and all challengers at the local arcade.

I'm in Boston... we're the source of all earthly wisdom and beauty. We have more museums, galleries and theaters than you can shake a stick at. You can't throw a rock in this town without it... well, without it bouncing off a bloated, overfunded, past the projected completion date public works project... but it will ricochet and hit some art. I collect membership cards to as many of them as have membership programs.

I have also lately been trying to learn to cook better. I'm good at meat + fire cooking and anything + deep fryer cooking. Baking is largely beyond me, but I have started to build up a collection of things I barely know how to use. Whisks and spatulas and a potato ricer. I'm not sure why you'd want to ruin a potato by making it into rice but I have one. And a colander. And a cookie sheet. And a doohickey with some levers and a giant screw.

I am a man. I build things, because through creation or repair, I get to feel a primal surge of power. My basement is full of fishtanks and lab equipment, so my garage is full of tools. Hand tools, automotive tools, power tools- I am mighty and I am capable of manipulating my environment. Behold my Darwinthumb! (now for more than eating ants with a stick)

For some reason people keep giving me leather jackets and scally caps, despite my existing leather jacket and scally cap being just fine. I really do not understand the phenomenon, but I have a closet full of... backups? They're sort of a collection. I should probably put them in a box and take them to Goodwill.

Edit: Come to think of it, model trains and various metals and minerals are also here in enough abundance to be considered collections. Though to be perfectly honest, I am into them largely as an excuse. I'll go gold panning in Colorado or build a train table because it's a reason to instigate a conversation with a relative who goes gold panning in Colorado and builds train tables.

*Edit2: I didn't get any of them when they were new when I was a child. The indulgences of my parents tended to run towards books and away from video games. I had a few (usually late, once there was a Super Nintendo, I'd get an NES) , but went back and collected the rest. With money. That I earned. By working.
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New Member
Austin, Texas
I love this part

"For some reason people keep giving me leather jackets and scally caps, despite my existing leather jacket and scally cap being just fine. I really do not understand the phenomenon, but I have a closet full of... backups? They're sort of a collection. I should probably put them in a box and take them to Goodwill."

Very cute read to see inside mr.semus :p

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Wow Seamus you ARE human :p That is so good to see that you have such a boundles interest in ... well... everything. You are an amazingly multi-diimensional mammal aren't you :main_yes:

Leather jackes and Scally caps was the last thing I would picture in your wardrobe... next thing you're gonna tell us is there's some fat Hog (not the animal) sitting your your garage buried under your multitude of tools :) Then my image of you is gonna be completely blown. I can only imagine that walking into your house would be like walking into one of those wonderful museums you speak so highly about.

All I gotta ask is... when do you find time to sleep? :main_lipsrsealed:

Thank you for sharing all of that with us.


I love this part

"For some reason people keep giving me leather jackets and scally caps, despite my existing leather jacket and scally cap being just fine. I really do not understand the phenomenon, but I have a closet full of... backups? They're sort of a collection. I should probably put them in a box and take them to Goodwill."

Very cute read to see inside mr.semus :p

LOL...that was one of my favorite parts too :main_laugh:

The other one was when he described the foamers...I've seen them before! What is that froth???
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Shillelagh Law
Leather jackes and Scally caps was the last thing I would picture in your wardrobe...

Odd. They're sort of a staple.

next thing you're gonna tell us is there's some fat Hog (not the animal) sitting your your garage buried under your multitude of tools :)

No. There's about 70% of a 1950 Vincent Black Shadow out there, but it's not really a fat hog and it doesn't... y'know... work. Yet.


New Member
Houston, TX
I did jelly bean math on the bookshelves and estimate that there are about 17,000 books in my home, though some are duplicates. Non-fiction, fiction, classic literature and cheap paperbacks, I am a reader. I read. A lot.

Awesome! I don't do a lot of non-fiction reading, but if you have that many books, and you play D&D, I'm sure you have some great sci-fi and epic fantasy tucked away in your stacks and stacks of books. I might have to hit you up next time I don't feel like re-reading anything, and I can't find a new author to pick up.

I'm from Boston, the greatest sports city in the world. There is sports memorabilia and sports themed... stuff... everywhere in my house. It's a shame the Super Bowl was cancelled this year, the Patriots were going to win it during their rebuilding year to close out the decade the way they opened it. The Super Bowl was cancelled! ShutupshutupshutupIhateyou!

HA! I knew it! Behind the scathing intelligent wit and the disdain for 'training reptiles,' I knew there was a fatal flaw! Boston sports fan always finds a way to make me laugh and feel like vomiting at the same time. By the way, have you ever seen "Tawmy from Quinzee" on If not, check it out!

I enjoy games. The interactive process of spending time with other people who I like, sometimes in competition, sometimes in cooperation. It really doesn't matter what they are; from chess to darts, from connect four to dungeons and dragons, from english rummy to Omega Virus, from Trivial Pursuit to... nobody will play Trivial Pursuit with me anymore. If it has rules, I'll try it. (Kim Foose cheats at Scrabble)

Awesome. Which edition of D&D do/did you like most?

I have also lately been trying to learn to cook better. I'm good at meat + fire cooking and anything + deep fryer cooking. Baking is largely beyond me, but I have started to build up a collection of things I barely know how to use. Whisks and spatulas and a potato ricer. I'm not sure why you'd want to ruin a potato by making it into rice but I have one. And a colander. And a cookie sheet. And a doohickey with some levers and a giant screw.

You want to pick up some cooking skills? Get laid off and stay at home with the kids for a long time. You'll turn into Betty Crocker or Paula Deen in NO time. Unemployment is a bit of a mixed blessing, I suppose

Anyway...A++ post. Would read author again.


I'm from Boston, the greatest sports city in the world. There is sports memorabilia and sports themed... stuff... everywhere in my house. It's a shame the Super Bowl was cancelled this year, the Patriots were going to win it during their rebuilding year to close out the decade the way they opened it. The Super Bowl was cancelled! ShutupshutupshutupIhateyou!

I'm a major Boston fan, too. And it was a crying shame that the Super Bowl was cancelled. Same as the World Series last year. Well actually, it was a shame that they stopped the MLB season halfway through the summer. The Sox were doing pretty darn well then!

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