So, whats up with the Macks???

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Anyone come up with anything different yet as far as morph combos???

Pics would be awesome...

I got some eggs in the incubator from my hypo mack snow X SHTCTB UG line... Hopefully I will see some SHBMSs...

"For the Gecko Eccentric"
Hey Gregg

I dont think there is really anything new yet. Check Lizard Lair for pics of a SSPA, and Luxurious Leopards has that SS Blizzard.

I wont be hatching any Supers for a few months still at the very least, but they will be from Mack Albinos and Hets, that also carry Jungle/Stripe and Reverse Stripe genes. This is just a Mack Snow Tremper Albino, pretty much a Jungle(it does have some tail abberancy). Im sure you`ve seen these.

I sure hope you make Baldies, and a Super Hypo Super Snow will happen!

They should be pretty cool, right? My Hypo/Super Hypo Mack pair didnt do anything for me in the late season, so hopefully in a few.


Leo Addict
Las Vegas NV
Good luck with that Gregg, I'm very excited for you hope you get some stunners. I totally love the look of hypo Macks and think I'll get into them next season. I saw for my first time a SH Mack photo the other day wasn't the cleanest it could be still had a spot or to and some signs of bands but its exciting.
As far as my projects go I have yet to produce a SS although I'm looking foward to next year. For one I have 3females while last season I had but 1 Mack and her sibling the later not even producing any vible eggs. My Macks this year also produced a small # of jungles I kept back the nicest male and will be breeding him to his banded Mack Snow sister. The thought of producing some jungle or stripe SS seems nice to me, I actually think I may persue getting a bold stripe Mack from you Dan Poe providing you produce some. My adult female Mack het Tremper has just started producing follicles and I placed my largest male Tremper Mack Snow in with her the other day. He's still rather young yet I have noticed some bite marks on her tail and nothing on him so I'm hopefull.
PS Gregg we didn't see much photos from your hatchlings this season, any Hybinos?


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Awesome Gregg, you must post pics yourself.

My Mack het Bells are doing their thing, and I'm hopeful she will be laying eggs soon. The male will also be bred to a couple Bell females later during the normal season. I'm hoping to get at least 1 SS Bell and a couple SS 66% hets. I'm also breeding the SH Mack het Bell to a very light SH (almost baldy) Bell, hoping to get some SH Mack Bells. Those would be sweet. You can bet I'll be posting pics once the babies start hatching!

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Hey guys and girls...
I hope to pull something neat out of the incubators this season... You all know I will be posting a bunch of pics when they hatch and as they progress...LOL...

Dan, cool looking Mack albino man...

Xavier, I hope your projects give you some sweet neos...

Felicia, I want to see those Mack bells when they hatch...

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