(just noticed I spelled spineless wrong...= P)
I keep alot of inverts, mainly tarantulas. Just joined the site, pretty cool to have such a wide variety of forums. Heres some of my collection;
Poeciotheria miranda
Megaphobema velvetosoma female
Megaphobema velvetosoma freshly molted mature male
Some late night spider action....:smitten:
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli (Mature male on top, Female on bottom)
Brachypelma boehmei
My old planted terrarium
My late mature female T. blondi (this was after unpacking her, I dont recomend holding large T's... )
An impromtu photo of my Phormictopus cancerides
Here are some shots of my Androctonus mauritanicus 1.3.0
The communal setup;
Theres 4 in there right now, but i may seperate them back into thier own enclosures due to some agression.
Just thought I would share my T's and scorps!:main_thumbsup:
I keep alot of inverts, mainly tarantulas. Just joined the site, pretty cool to have such a wide variety of forums. Heres some of my collection;
Poeciotheria miranda
Megaphobema velvetosoma female
Megaphobema velvetosoma freshly molted mature male
Some late night spider action....:smitten:
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli (Mature male on top, Female on bottom)
Brachypelma boehmei
My old planted terrarium
My late mature female T. blondi (this was after unpacking her, I dont recomend holding large T's... )
An impromtu photo of my Phormictopus cancerides
Here are some shots of my Androctonus mauritanicus 1.3.0
The communal setup;
Theres 4 in there right now, but i may seperate them back into thier own enclosures due to some agression.
Just thought I would share my T's and scorps!:main_thumbsup:
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