Some random questions about getting a beardie.


New Member

I've never really posted in this section of the forum but I'm always lurking over it seeing all the pictures of everyones cute little dragons. Anyway I've been obsessed with them for a looooooong time and I feel like I NEED one in my life, maybe not now but in the next few years. Because of that I've been doing research here and there trying to add up the initial cost, maintenance, basic set-up, etc. you know the usual.

Anyway I have a few questions.

- Some sites and some people I have spoken to said that Beardies or at least the smaller adults can live in a 40gallon breeder (?) 36"x18" for it's entire life while other's believe that beardies can live in nothing smaller that a 4'x2' enclosure. Which is true?

- Is it better to get hatchling as apposed to an adult?

- Do you think it's a good idea to adopt from a rescue? We have Sean Casey Animal Rescue in NYC that adopts out anything and everything; dogs, cats, fish, rats, reptiles even freaking ROACHes as pets. lol. What do you think would be some of the pro and cons of adopting besides the fact that he/she might not have been handled frequently?

- From experiences owners, Are they smelly?

- I've heard that hatchlings can eat A LOT, around 30 or 40 crickets a night is that entirely true or an exaggeration?

- I've also know they can eat veggie's how much of their diet can consist of veggies/greens? to make it easier in a week how many parts veggies/greens as apposed to live feeders? I've looked at different sites and everyone has a different diet.

Um thats all I can think of now. If there are anything else I should know thats important that isn't seen on the average care sheet?


New Member
Washington, DC
As your first beardie, an adult will be much easier- harder to make fatal mistakes than with babies. Plus like leos, adults tend to be chill and more calm. I haven't kept beardies for a loooooong time, though. Only thing else I can add is that the veggies should be most of the diet- too many insects and they get impacted and can die.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have 1 adult beardie (6 years old) that I adopted 2 years ago from craigslist. She is about 18" long and lives in a 36"x18" tank which seems to work for her. SHe has a hammock that she loves and whenever I'm home and she's up for it she gets the run of the living room and dining room. I don't think I'll ever get a baby beardie because I don't want to run through as many crickets as they eat (I heard 100 small ones a day from someone). I feed her about 2 dozen crickets 3 times a week and veggies every day. Mine was sort of a rescue: the couple I got her from had rescued her from a neglect situation and had gotten her healthy. I would say that the only thing to be wary of with a rescue is a bad tempered beardie if they've been mistreated. Mine is very gentle and easy to be with.


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