Sorry for another one but... Please help ID !any feedback is great!



hello everyone

i recently took on these two beautiful little leo's the enigma here is a female

and the male here is a tangerine of some sort .. maybe a sunglow? what is a sunglow haha

I belive i was told by the breeders that both of these were HET tremper albino!
plus he knew i wanted 2 breed them and keep them good looking idk why he would give me any other sort of albino...

however still learning much about the boundless colors and designs i am still unsure what these are ... any helpful information is greatly appreciated them with my adopted what i belive to be blazzing blizzard ... anyfeedback on her would be helpfull 2.

another shot of the male if it helps


interesting.. you think the male tang is also enigma? is there any reason .. im just trying to figure out why he has no black dots on his body and such distinct orange and white band patterns also why he has the white design on his head insted of any spots?


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
yes the female is a enigma, male is a super hypo tangerine, and the third one is a blizzard but doubt its a blazing blizzard generally they are lighter nomally all white with minimal yellow. with a eye shot it can be comfirmed or not.

Wandering Paddle

New Member
South western virginia
I was in a hurry this morning, my bad. I really dont even remember saying that was an enigma. I dont get enough sleep these days... off work at 11pm and classes starting at 8am...
good luck proving out the hets, the enigma and non-enigma offspring should both be pretty cool from that pair of animals, especially if you hit the odds and get a tremper enigma from those two.


thank you all so much

SO much for the help and info

I shall return with pictures of the babys in the future :]

so anyone have any time breeding these two ? the tangerine hypo and enigma ?


OH! and im sorry i almost forgot!

I will take some pictures of the blizzards eyes later tonight when i get home from work .. about to go now:(:(:main_thumbsdown:

So could you tell me what would you be looking for in the eyes?

the enigma female has red around her eye and silvery red tent around that for the rest of the eye ... its very interesting


The blizzard im not sure about but they are mostly grey i will take pictures later tho !


BLah! sorry for the wait ... i have been busy busy busy !

I lost my camera a while ago as so im stuck using this one ... this is the best picture i could get of her eye... ill try for a better shot again in an hour or so after the battery is charged !

i could not get it in this picture but above her right eye *the one pictured* she has a black dot .. or blot coving part of her eye.. is this normal:?



lillith im glad you say this .. it never really came up with the breeder but from everything i have been reading and seeing online kinda made me feel he was part enigma !!

also i feel that the orange color of the female enigma notes that she already has been bred with tangerines? but man she is all kinds of wild looking :]


i hope using the name of a breeder is not against the rules but i use it only as an example im not trying to put out sales!

looking at ron trempers enigma's i see many like my geckos most as het raptor or aptor
some are almost spot on for my female

the male is a mystery tho! i sent another email2 the breeder with better pictures and info i hope he can respond


confirmed today by breeder the male is a hypo tangerine ... perhaps has some enigma back in his genes ...

he knows the female is an enigma het tremper albino

humm i wonder how the breeding will go


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
Well, I have been wrong before, sorry to have led you astray. :(

Enigma is plain old-fashioned dominant as far as everyone knows, so - if you breed him, you'll get more hypo tangerines.


much research done indeed... :]
Thank you all for your info and suggestions i know i still have much to learn, but at least i'm off on the right foot!

Im hoping to get a homozygous tremper male soon so i can breed him to the female and solidify the tremper gene for breeding :main_thumbsup:

woot woot!

So when ..if! i breed this little enigma*HET tremp* girl to my male hypo tangerine i COULD get...

some ..
normals with some tang color?
hypo tangerines
enigma's ..
enigma's with tang .
a mix of designs and patterns

im sorry if im using the wrong terms for these.. still trying to get the morph names down !

must be over a hundred !

This forum is a constant source of education and learning thanks to this kind of help ! :main_thumbsup:
As soon as breeding season comes ill have to post pictures of all the babys!

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