Sparky lost a small portion of his tail and its gone


New Member
Okay I feel horrible. I was trying to get a cricket out of the cage and at the same time i was holding a small hide and I got spooked by a cricket jumping on my hand the the hide fell and hit the end of sparkys tail. It wiggle around for a while but then it stopped. I thought okay he is good and was just spooked a bit. He was fine alll night and when I woke up this morning, about an inch of his tail is off and it is not in the cage, I am assuming he at it but did not think they did that when it dropped. I took out all loose substrate and it does not look infected. I was really taken by this as I have read it happens but was not ready for that. I wonder why it did not drop right away... Does anyone have any input.. THanks so much..


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's happened to me with one of my geckos before. Usually I find the tail gets stiff for awhile and then drops so yours was pretty quick. You may eventually find it shriveled somewhere or else she did eat it. I'm sorry it happened, but she will heal well and it will be fine.



New Member
It's happened to me with one of my geckos before. Usually I find the tail gets stiff for awhile and then drops so yours was pretty quick. You may eventually find it shriveled somewhere or else she did eat it. I'm sorry it happened, but she will heal well and it will be fine.


I just looked in on her and Isaw her licking the other part of the tail behind where it fell off, I hope she does not lick it or mess with it.
They say to put neosporin on but I worry she will like it off....

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