Square cages?


New Member
Kansas City
I've heard that leos require long cages in order to be entirely healthy and happy. Is this true? Does a square cage really hurt a gecko's health?

My first post on gecko forums, how exciting!
I am a new reptile owner, and I just got my first leo in December. She just turned one year old on the 15th, and I've been doing endless research to make sure she's in the best situation possible. When I was at the store looking for housing cages, I chose an Exo-Terra 18 in by 18 in. I've heard many good things about Exo-Terra, and the large square shape fit perfectly onto the space I cleared out on my desk for the cage. I personally think that this cage is just large enough for one leo to live a happy, comfortable life. She seems to be enjoying herself so far (she eats happily, naps all day, and shows no signs of stress).

The main problem I hear being associated with a square cage is its lack of an efficient temperature gradient. I think I can oppose this argument, since I keep my leo warm with one UTH. Her warm hide maintains a temp around 83º F, while the rest of her cage is a moderate 73º. Since I keep her on slate, the tile absorbs the heat from the UTH in the warm hide and keeps a relatively cool temperature inside her moist and cool hides.

Another argument I hear is that leos require a long space to be able to move freely. My leo is usually climbing more than she is running. She'll climb on all of her hides as well as up the styrofoam backing of the cage. (This isn't to say I don't catch her occasionally going for a stroll around her cage, though)

I've had my eye on the 24 in. long Exo-Terra, but the problem is I don't have much room for it, nor the funds.

I guess what I'm asking is if I should be concerned about her housing situation. Like I said earlier, I want my little baby to be as happy as she possibly can. I'm not typically concerned since she doesn't seem like she's stressed, but I just want confirmation from some long-time owners since I'm relatively new to all of this.

Thank you!


Senior Member
I'd say the warm side should be warmer. Around 90. The rest of her cage could be in the low 80's, or high 70's.

Also, an 18" x 18" cage is plenty for a single leo.


New Member
It wouldn't hurt to make her another floor (and make sure to secure it) if you're worried that she won't have enough space to roam around.

My leo loves climbing too, so I'm eventually going to get her those ledges you can secure to the tank with either silicone or magnets.


New Member
Kansas City
Thanks for the reply! How would you recommend heating the entire cage? I have a 50 watt red bulb, but I'm concerned it may be too bright or hot for her. The cage is only 12 inches tall.

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