Starting to have some fears


New Member
New Jersey
Next week I will be flying out to Arizona to see my family. My father will be undergoing a 2 part brain surgery. He has Parkingson's and has been starting to get worse. They have decided to do the surgery where electrodes will be implanted and then a catheter will be threaded through to the chest. I will be out for the first part not the second. My main concerns is that the area of the brain they will be working with involves emotion and personality. How weird is it to hear that your dad may not be your dad after this?
I was never truly close to my family until the last 3 years. That was mainly due to my daughter I believe. When my parents heard that I had decided to have a baby before marriage, they were furious and my father had even demanded that I have an abortion. They kept telling me that Dean, my bf, was going to dump me and that they were going to wind up taking care of me. Needless to say that I told them that if this is how they truly felt, they would never hear from me again. The only one who supported me was my brother. If it wasn't for him and his wife and their words of support and good spirits, I may have had a nervous breakdown. It wasn't until I had a threat of miscarriage that everything changed. Now we talk once a week and have made a point to visit them once a year with our daughter. My folks love her and Dean and can't wait for me to send pics of them.
I will be flying out alone to Arizona and just have all the typical fears of what comes with family members having surgery. I'm also scared of leaving Dean with Bernadette and the whole house in his control for 10 whole days. That should be interesting to come back to.
I just really needed to vent. I haven't really been able to talk about this without crying because I am scared of what may come and just that my dad is getting worse. It just makes his mortality all that more real. Just keep your fingers crossed for him.


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Jessica, I know it is very hard to do in this situation, but try to keep thinking positive and keep your mind off of the negative outcomes to this surgery. Surgery is so advanced now a days, that I am sure everything will turn out just fine. We will keep you and your family in our prayers and I look forward to hearing the outcome when you get back. Keep your head up!

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Hey, you should give Dean a bit more credit... LOL...

Seriously, I hope everything goes well for your dad... I am sure the good that can come out of this operation out weighs the possible side effects otherwise he would most likely not go through with it or the doctors would not allow it... With all the advances in medicine these days especially in neuro surgery, there is a great chance everything will be fine...

Good luck to you and your family...


New Member
New Jersey
well, my dad had the first half of the surgery on the 19th and he did great. The doctor said he responded to a very low voltage and that is a good sign. The 26th will be the second half of the surgery where they will thread the wires into the batteries in his chest from his head. He is tired and can only take short walks, but he is doing great. I will still be here in Arizona for a few more days and then it's back to Jersey for me. I am glad that everything went well and hopefully my dad can be free from the tremors and freezing spells. We are actually going to go out for the first time today because he feels up to it. Hopefully he won't wear himself out. Thank you all for your well wishes and for letting me vent my concerns. I definitely needed it and can't thank you enough for letting me have the oppurtunity for doing it.
Dean the boyfriend has been doing great in holding down the fort at home. The only problem he has is that he didn't secure my Kenyan's tank when he cleaned him out, so now I have a loose sand boa in my house. :main_rolleyes: He's been looking for him for 2 days to no avail. Hopefully he will be able to find him. If that is the worst he can do, I'll take it.


New Member
Weymouth MA
I'm glad to hear your father's doing well with his first surgery. Hang in there & I'll keep sending up good thoughts for your dad & family. Hopefully the boa shows up too.

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