Stenodactylus care thread


New Member
Hamilton, Ontario
i looked at getting some of these guys about a year ago when i saw them in a local pet store but i decided to get 2 more AFTs instead... But now i am thinking about once again getting some of these little guys.

I plan of getting 4-5 of them or so, and keeping them in a tank thats 30"x18"x18" would that be ok or would i have to get a bigger tank?

Also if i was to get these as babies or before they can be sexed would this be a problem? what i mean is what if i get 3 males and 2 females would this cause any problem?

Finally is there anywhere that anyone knows of that i can get these at an age where they can already be sexed in candada? or that will ship to canada? as my local store wont gaurentee the sexes of them as they sell them before they are sexually mature

thanks in advance


New Member
These geckos are fairly easy to sex even at young ages, not as young as newly hatched but about 3 - 4 months old they are sexable, Males have noticable bulges(Hemipenes) at the base of the tail.

3 males and 2 females would most likely result in regular fights, which can eventually lead to the geckos killing each other.

I would get 3 to begin with, the tank size is fine, Once you know the sexes of the first three then expand a bit more, ideally 2 males 4 females is a good steady group, no fights over mates and no male dominance over food either.

The tank sizes given should be fine housing up to around 6 or 8 of these geckos, They dont need UV, only Under tank heat, they like to dig so be sure that heatmats are sealed to the base of tank if inside, and that there is atleast a 3 inch deep layer of sand for digging.
Dont add any heavy objects like rocks or logs as they WILL find a way under them and it will more than likely cause injury or death.

They may look fragile but they are hardy as hell.

Mist the tank once a day (i mist all the sand for ease of digging)

My personal temps are 19 - 21 C on cool end and 28 - 31 C on hot end.

Add a few hides as a few of the geckos may not dig as much as others, I know people who keep them on sand with a few artificial rocks and plants and no hides, however in my lot only 2 dig so there are more hides and decor than i can fit in the tank lol.


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
I found my first egg a week ago, after expanding my group. I used to have two petrii's that never bred and I recently bought one that I haven't sexed yet. Time will tell if it is going to be fine :)

I don't mist my tank daily. I tried keeping water in a small container in the tank but they never touched it. Since they live in a desert climate, I only mist them (and the rocks in the tank) once every so often so they can lick the droplets from their own face/body or from the rocks.


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
so I picked up a newbie while at the rep store. The guy houses sthenodactylus and petri in the same tank and I believe I picked out a petri, but am not entirely sure. Anyone care to comment? It would be my fourth petri with one more incubating...





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