My leo spot has always had shed problems but this month has definitely been the strangest. Usually he only needs toe help and sometimes a lil around the eyes. But this month he kept his dead skin on for over a week, he was so white looking. I caved in and gently peeled him free, i was concerned about his eyes and toes. He lost a couple grams cause he hasnt eaten as much with the shed stuck on for so long. The dead skin almost felt waxy! He hasnt had any changes in diet and stools are normal so im not sure what was wrong. When i return home i plan to weigh him again. he lost 2 grams so he should gain them back quick but i am still quite concerned. I know they sell shed aid, but id really prefer not paying over priced retail. Apart from warm soaks does anyone have any home remedies that help with shedding that isnt harmful to my beloved spot?