Stressed/hot gecko?


New Member
North Carolina
OK I have been needing some advice but can't get an answer so I thought I would try here. My oldest and biggest girl has stopped eating. My husband has given me our spare room for all my scaley babies and I moved them all in Monday. I covered the air vent so it is nice and warm for them.Well Roxie hasn't eaten since we moved her. Her behavior has completely changed. She now stays out of her hides and seems to want out to spend time with me. When before she would rarely come out of her moist warm hide and would simply tolerate me when I wanted to hold her. This would be great if she didn't refuse to eat. I have tried meal worms, super worms, and roaches and she almost seems offended by the food. She will sniff at the food but then turns her back on it. The other night I tried to feed her and she bypassed the roach I was holding and proceeded to crawl up my arm. I know it has been just a few days but I am still concerned. She has never turned down food. I have lowered her heat pad temp and am still trying to get it down. It was well over a 110(new heating pad and very hot) and now it is around 105. I am still working on getting it down to around 92-95. The room by itself is around 80-85 during the day. Is she too hot? I thought heat helped appetite but I guess to much of anything can be a bad thing. And as far as I know she is not ovulating. I can't see any pink spots. Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.:)


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
There's really no reason to cover the vent unless the room is constantly really cold (60's). 80-85 is not necessarily bad for the ambient room temp, it's just not ideal. Our Summer room temps are 78-82 but we would keep it cooler if it were possible.


New Member
North Carolina
So cooler is better? I thought warmer would be better since they are reptiles. Thanks for your responses. We have central air and we keep it on 65-70 this time of year. I just didn't want them to be too cold. I will uncover the vent and see about a thermostat.
She has never liked crickets so I figured I wouldn't even try them. Thank you all I am so very relieved. I have been so worried.

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