You can mist the entire tank to help loosen it. You may have to help by gently pulling the stuck shed off it's head if it doesn't come off within a day or so. Just make sure you don't leave the tank too wet for an extended period.
I'm assuming you have a humid hut, if not you must put one in so the humidity will help your leo shed. I've placed my leos in the humid hut for a few hours (there's an opening of course so they can get out if they choose) then I get a pair of tweezers and carefully remove the excess skin. Especially difficult trying to remove the shed from their toes so be extra careful.
if you bathe your gecko in warm water and it still doesnt come off, i recommend using zoo med's repti shedding aid. I have moist hides for all of my geckos, but one of them has had continual trouble shedding the skin off of her toes. I soaked her a few times in water and then tried to peel the skin off her toes but it never worked on her. I finally tried this repti shedding aid cause the shed just wouldnt come off and it worked!
i had a baby leopard gecko with shed prob on its legs and head so i soaked its feet and put some vasaline on them the nexted day they were ok fullycured