Student Loans..


New Member
So once again I'm figuring out a way to pay for school! :)

Anyway with things going the way they are there are TWO classes I need to take (Organic Chemistry) and I have the opportunity to take them now if not I delay graduation by a year since the summer starts (June 1 - May31 of my senior yr which is like a year away). I spoke to my advisor to pick my classes for next year and she said I could take these classes in the summer. Only ONE problem, the lecture and the lab for both classes is worth 10 credits all together, my school on the other hand charges $937 PER credit 10credits x $937= $9370, ummm.. I'm new to loans and get a little overwhelmed and don't even know what a "good" deal is. Anyone know what I should be looking for or which banks they've had experience with?


New Member
Athens, GA
It depends on whether or not it's cheaper to stay that extra year or to get those classes finished in the summer. Don't forget to account for student fees too.

As for the credit cost, that's pretty expensive. If you think that normally you'll be taking 18 credits or so a semester, that amounts to about $17K a semester, or $34K a year. That's what an Ivy league or expensive private school charges. I don't think it's a good deal.


New Member
It depends on whether or not it's cheaper to stay that extra year or to get those classes finished in the summer. Don't forget to account for student fees too.

As for the credit cost, that's pretty expensive. If you think that normally you'll be taking 18 credits or so a semester, that amounts to about $17K a semester, or $34K a year. That's what an Ivy league or expensive private school charges. I don't think it's a good deal.

Thats the reason why, I go to an extremely expensive private school, lol. They estimate $35-$36,000 for the cost of attendance.

I tried seeing if I could try going to a city school but they don't wont except the credit unless you live outside of a 50mile radius and next year or so will be the last year I will be eligible for some of the city and state grants/scholarships I have so I'll probably pay for most of senior year anyway if its even a complete year because I have no free electives I'm just taking classes I need to take to graduate so the last semester might be part-time which goes back to paying on a credit per credit, anyway.

I just want to graduate, lol. When I transfered I lost a year so now it's suppose to be 5years in total or 6 years if I take the extra year. ughh. I want to poke a needle in my eye. I'm not POSTITIVE on the actual price because my registration doens't open until the 14th of may so at that time I'll check it out.
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Go to your school's financial aid department (they should have one) and ask for resources for loans. Some states have loan programs. When I went to graduate school in the late '70's there was a nice loan program in NY state and since I was still technically a resident at that time I got a low interest loan.

Find out from financial aid what kind of loan you need to ask for. Call up a bunch of banks, ask if they have this type of loan and what their rates are. If you have an account at a bank, see if you can get a special rate because you're a customer.

Do a google search for loans/grants. If you use the right terms, you may find places that give scholarships. As a woman in science, you have a good chance of finding something.

Check out "". You go through their computerized questionnaire to create a profile and then they recommend a bunch of websites that have grants or competitions for grants (usually writing an essay or something). They do tend to generate a lot of email, though.

Good luck. We are at the end of 4 years of financing our daughter at an Ivy League school and have twin boys who are freshmen in high school. It's a long road . . .


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