suggestion for breeding.


New Member
hi,my name is Amiel and I'm from Israel.
(forgive me if i have mistakes i'm not good in english)
I have a female SHTCTB and someone suggestd me to breed my female with his SHTCTB what will be the outcome?and you have suggestions for another morph that i can breed with and get an intersting morph?and remember that i am from israel so we don't have al lot of morphs here.
secend i have a hypo tangerine carrot tail and he is a poss. giant, any suggestions?
i can buy a stripe albino tremper,snow patternless,blizzard and albino bell.
doe's this morphs will give me something with one or both my geckos?
anyway,please suggest me morph to breed with and i will see if i can buy this morph.
Thank you very much guys this is realy important to me!:D


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Erev Tov Amiel and welcome to GF (Hebrew is my second language). My first project I ever did was to breed a SHTCT to an albino and then the next year to breed the female offspring back to the male albino to get sunglows or hybinos (whatever you want to call them). If you breed two SHTCTB together you will get a bunch of the same and some other geckos with more spotting. All the geckos you talk about except the snow and the SHTCTB are simple recessives so if you get one (like blizzard or patternless) and breed it to one of your current geckos you will get hets. It's in the next generation that you can breed the het offspring back to the recessive parent and get that morph. It all depends on what you like.



New Member
thanks Aliza,and if i will breed hypo enigma het. albino tremper with my hypo tangerine what will be the outcome?
or the same hypo enigma with raptor?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Since all the pairings are hypo, you will likely get hypos and super hypos. You will only get albinos with the second pairing and may or may not get raptors. It's more likely you'll get "aptors" because the eclipse gene (red eyes) is only in one parent and it's recessive. You'll also get varying degrees of tangerine. Statistically 50% of your offspring will be enigma since it's dominant. You should think very carefully before breeding enigmas. They are beautiful but can have neurological problems and there doesn't appear to be any way to tell which ones will.



New Member
and what i can breed with a super snow enigma?
i am looking for something that morphs in the outcome will be other from the parents morphs,i mean that at least one of the babies will be a morph that no one of the parents morph'not an hetro to another morph , simpley other morph
exampels:shtctb het.albino with shtctb het albino = sunglow
so which morph i can breed that i will get some new an interesting morphs in the first generation?
Thanks a lot,Amiel.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Your example involves breeding hets, so even though the characteristics don't show up in the parents, they are there anyway in each parent and the babies that get both recessive genes look different from the parents. With your supersnow enigma, you have a co-dominant (snow) gene and a dominant gene (enigma) --no recessive hets, so you won't really get anything very different in the first generation.

I encourage you to look at Look at the different morphs. Find something that looks good to you. Read about how to make it and then see if those geckos are available in Israel.

You will be a much better breeder if you figure out the genetics for yourself, using sites like for genetic information. If you produce something because you figured out how to do it, I think that's better than just following a "cookbook" recipe without knowing what you're doing.
Good luck and Shabbat Shalom.


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