Sunny and his new home.


New Member
Jacksonville, Fl
If anyone remembers when I first introduced Sunny, you know how he is a special needs animal. Well, for the last two or three months, he has only eaten about 5 or 6 super worms and no veggies.

I tried, cleaning/rearranging his cage, switching food, raising his temps and even tried putting baby food on his nose to get him to lick it off.

He dropped from a 388 grams to 308 grams. A pretty big drop if you ask me.

I had also noticed that he was wearing his claws down by trying to dig in the tile.

Getting to the point... I set up a 40g for him a few days ago.

The substrate is a play sand and eco-earth mix. I wet it down, packed it and let it dry. This way, he can dig if he wants, but the majority of the cage isn't a "loose" substrate.

Today, two days after putting him in it, he ate nearly half a bowl of veggies, dry bearded dragon food and the bearded dragon "bites". He is also up to about 30 crickets so far.

He has dug out a burrow under his hollow log, along with half the rest of the tank... Anyway, he seems much happier now.

Here he is along with his new home:





Please, no comments about my peanut butter on the printer. lol

Oh, I am well aware of the risks involved with using sand, so please, save us both the time and don't point them out to me.


New Member
Miami, FL
Hey look...there's peanut butter on your printer! And OMG! SAND!

Sorry. Somebody had to say it. :p

Seriously though, your setup looks fantastic and i'm super glad that Sunny has responded well to the change. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Jacksonville, Fl
He is responding very well so far. He got fired up and did the head bob at me a few minuted ago when I was getting crickets to feed my leos. He hasn't done that in a while either.


New Member
Jacksonville, Fl
Hey look...there's peanut butter on your printer! And OMG! SAND!

Sorry. Somebody had to say it. :p

I did ask for it didn't I?

Seriously though, your setup looks fantastic and i'm super glad that Sunny has responded well to the change. :main_thumbsup:

I wouldn't call it fantastic, but it is much better than the cage I was so convinced was perfect for him. I still need to get a lower wattage MVB, replace his UV bulb as well as add another.

I feel that one issue I had with the larger cage was, the UV bulb was too far away from him and he wasn't getting enough.

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