


Hi everyone, I'm Kelly. Completely new to leopard geckos but so far love them! I have two, Doja an albino male who is probably around a year and a femal baby(my boyfriends) which has yet to be named. The two live apart currently but when his grows up we're thinking about putting them together. :]


New Member
hey kelly welcome to gecko forums! and i hope you fine everything you need. However putting your two with one another...Only if your 100% sure there male and female. you will 99% sure get eggs. and if you dont want that i keep them apart. even so geckos are not met to be with one another. You should only pair them for a short time only if breeding. They are best kept far away from one another. if you do breed make sure the female is at or over 50 grams, And if your not sure of the sex of the geckos do not put them with one another if they turn out to be males...they could fight and it will not be pretty! you can find all this info and more on here! if you need anymore help just ask! once again welcome ( :


Thanks everyone! And Snakegirl, I had them both sexed but they said it's sort hard to tell with the little ones. So in that regard perhaps they did get her sex wrong, but we will wait until she is much bigger to even think of putting the two together.

:] Thanks so much for the advice! He does look rather comfy alone in his twenty gallon! I'll be sure to ask opinions and such when the time comes. And I think I am definitely interested in breeding!

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