Super Giant Hot Moose RAPTOR

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
This gecko popped out of the breeding we did with our two largest Super Giant Hot Mooses, 12 inch male Moosie, and Munchkin, a massive Striped Hot Moose female (over 11 inches).

This juvie is 28g and was born on 7/13/12. He eats like a horse so he will be a monster....50% snake eyes. His colors are getting more intense by the day now. His tail is almost as long as his body. I'm checking around but he maybe the only SGHMR to date.



New Member
Denver, CO
Hardly a surprise, given my super giant bold mack snow from Ron proved out het Eclipse. Got to love the hidden hets.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Gecko looks nice Ray. Congrats if he is a first too.

I know you have heavy ties with Ron and that's perfectly fine, but backing/justifying genetic drift is no bueno.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Gecko looks nice Ray. Congrats if he is a first too.

I know you have heavy ties with Ron and that's perfectly fine, but backing/justifying genetic drift is no bueno.

I'm not going to argue that point, but it is reality so you deal with it...can't cry over spilled milk, whether you call it drift or not. I'm thrilled to get an "only one in the world" gecko, however it "happened".


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I am not trying to steal your thunder or poo in your cheerios. I think its great you got a possible worlds first. Not everyone will get to hatch a new combo for the first time. However, even your following statement about it being reality and just dealing with it shows a lot about how much I could (wouldn't) trust your genetics. If you are seemingly OK with Ron selling/giving you genetic drift, then what makes me think you are not doing the same. This is a major problem in the Leopard Gecko world and with a following you have, I would have expected more from you. Also, I don't "deal with it" because to me that is unacceptable and I certainly wouldn't justify a reason for it...and you were the one who called it drift. I call it poor record keeping and lack of care/concern over the quality and guarantee on animals being sold for hard earned money and years invested in projects. Not crying over spilled milk, just calling it as I see it.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Moosie is Hot Moose het Raptor as I go back through my records, so this Raptor popping up is not really a surprise afterall. All of his other offspring are regular Hot Moose or Tang Banded, but it wouldn't surprise me to see a few more Raptors come from him down the line.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Ok. Not only is he het Raptor but so is she and ALL babies ever coming from either of them are ph Raptor. Look Ray, I am not out on a hunt for anyone...but your justifying drift genetics still stands regardless if he was a known het or not. Them both proving as het from HM would also lean me to believe anything coming from HM is at minimum a ph unless they have been proven not to be. The few Giants I had before I sold them off ALL proved het Tremper when only 1 was labeled as a ph. I don't work with that line of albino and after working with Giants, I didn't feel they were co-dom so breeding out the tremper didn't justify the years of work to do so. Back to this topic...That gecko is nice and you now know his genetics, but drift genetics are unacceptable and ruin morphs and projects.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
drift genetics are unacceptable and ruin morphs and projects.

Agree 100%. Leos are the fastest growing pet in popularity in the world today, and many people are breeding them to try to make a few bucks without knowing a whole lot about it. There are lots of cheap geckos at shows that have unknown genetics or are sold to people saying they are this or that, then those people take the geckos home, breed them and sell them as whatever, and so on down the line. This is very worriesome for us all, and dangerous for the hobby in general. I had one customer at our store who said he picked up a Bandit from a breeder at a show, but when he sent me pics, it was a normal and looked nothing like a Bandit. This goes on all the time....we all see it at the shows, pet stores, craigslist, etc. It's rampant.

Our Zorro Bandit line is a good example. Our line is the pure line and we do everything we can to tell buyers that, but many later tell us they are crossing them to various morphs. That's fine, but then they call them Bandits "from the Zorro line" and people get duped into thinking they are getting the pure Bandit line, when in essence they may have been crossed to other bold lines, stripes, snows, etc.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Really a beautiful gecko. Other then this whole argument over genetics that I read though. I like the look.

Thanks Godzilla. He looks even better in person. Very rare gecko.

Don't let the discourse get you down. Competition among breeders can be ferocious in a bad economy! LOL
But seriously, it's good to have discussions like this as it keeps us on our toes and makes us strive to be better at what we do, which ultimately benefits everyone. That's what forums are for. Otherwise these things could get a bit boring...

Geeko Chic

New Member
Los Angeles
Wow, such a beautiful specimen!!! Congratulations. What are the genetics of a hot moose? Is it simply a jungle raptor with some Mack snow? Like the classy manner in which you chose to diffuse this discussion by the way.
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