Super Giant Sunglow project developments - Female pic

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Here's a quick pic of that female Super Giant Sunglow we will pair Ronnie to. She is a massive 75 g at just 4 months and is super neon yellow with spreading carrot tail that is very bright. It's very hard to find Super Giants with a lot of bright carrot tail. We've been waiting for months to get a female like her....many thanks to Ron Tremper and staff.

She comes from the same sire as Ronnie, our star SGS. (It's true I was offered several thousand for him and turned it down.) Her carrot tail should spread a lot more in the next 2-3 months and her body color will continue to brighten. She should be a great breeder and produce nice SGSs with Ronnie.

Thanks for your interest. Happy New Year all!

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