Super newbie. Help with heating?



Never owned a reptile before. Would like to buy a leopard gecko to start out.
I want 1 female and I'm going out for supplies tomorrow. Aiming to buy a 10 gallon tank with screen top.

Some questions:
-For a 10 gal tank, what sort of setup should I have? Low-watt (60watt?) lamp at the top of the tank, with some sort of heating pad beneath? I know nothing about the heating pads, other than the fact that you're supposed to only have it on one side of the tank. Any brands you suggest?
-I keep seeing the term, 'UTH' and don't know for sure what that means.
-Should screen top be partially covered with plastic or something?
-Can you give me a brand-name example of an inexpensive/accurate thermometer?
-While researching, I've seen many different setups, but mostly for larger tanks. Not sure what I should do!
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New Member
The UTH stands for under the tank heater..... it's the most important thing for your Tank. I have 2 Zoo Med for 10/20 gal. They stick to the bottom ( one side for the Hot side ) Some tape it as to reuse. But you can just use it if you think you are going to keep the tank as a gecko tank.

You will need a screen top to keep anything from getting into the tank.

With it warm right now, I don't think you will need a heat lamp on top of the screen( day time)

For night viewing I just go a 6 or 10 dollar lamp at Target. It sits on top of the Screen and not heating. A 40w Red bulb will be fine for viewing.

You will need 2 Hides ( min ) Hot and cold side. 3 dishes... one for water, mealworms and Calcium ( without D3).

There is no need in warm wether to cover the screen top.

I use Tile.... but a lot use Reptile Carpet. Most don't like sand because of known issues.

Are you getting a Baby?

Here is a basic set up. You will need to control or monitor the hot side...... so a probe ( floor) or Temp Gun will be of great help.
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New Member
If you have the space and the money. Get a 15 gallon. They are 12x12x24". 10 will work fine but the extra floor space makes for things less cramped. Plus you can decorate it and make your own special Home. They are 50 bucks in most stores..... where they sell Fish.

Here is a 15 gallon I fixed up. Best extra 30 buck I spent!

The Ramp / tree and stairs...... is the Cool side ( Hide )

Good luck...... take the plunge... you will be amazed how cool a pet they are. Plus they live 20 plus years in the same Tank. How cool is that...LOL!

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Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Hi Jennie, welcome to the forum!

It doesn't get cold enough here (in South to Central Texas) to necessitate a heat lamp. All you need for heat is the Under Tank Heater and a rheostat or thermostat. A rheostat (like this one) is basically just a dimmer switch to adjust the temperature of the heat mat. It gets to hot in the Summer here so having one of these will make your life a lot easier!

You don't need to cover the screen top with anything. Sometimes People will partially cover tanks to keep heat in during the Winter but it's not much of an issue in Texas.

We use Zilla brand probe thermometers (like these) that are made by ESU.

You can look through the do it yourself section here to see how people have made their own hides and things if you're feeling crafty.


Thanks so much for the responses. You've both been VERY helpful. I'm heading to the store now to get what I need. Thanks againnnn!


New Member
To add one more thing just make sure the temps are right 88-97 or so on the warm and around 75-80 on cool. Some people would dispute temps but i keep my warm at 95 and cool around 80 and it works great for me. Ohh, and when you choose a thermometer get one with a probe because they give a more accurate reading.
I also have a current thread on DIY reptile hides,backgrounds,and accessories. If interested you can find in DIY section.
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