tail is bleeding....


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
so my 6 month old leo just shed the other day, he has a regenerated tail, i bought him from the petstore like that (ours is okay, they take care of thier animals)

well, after he was done shedding, i was helping him get stuck shed off his toes and found the tip of his tail was bleeding. so i cleaned it, put neosporin on it. and this morning its still bleeding. its not bleeding bad, i just think its bad for him to have an open wound like that.

any suggestions?
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have had this happen with one of my geckos that I got with a regenerated tail. The first thing to do, as I learned the hard way, is to make sure there are absolutely no feeders left in the cage. Mine had a wound at the tip of the tail which seemed to be getting worse no matter what I did. One day I came in and found 2 mealworms attached to the tail, chewing away.

If that's not the problem, you may want to leave off the neosporin for a few days since it may be keeping the wound moist and spongy. Also check on the gecko to make sure it isn't biting at the tail. If it is, you could try putting a bandaid on --not over the wound, but around the end of the tail sticking out from the back to protect the wound in a sort of tube (I'm assuming it's bleeding at the end). If all that fails, it may be time for the vet.



Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
theres no feeders in the cage, except for a dish of mealworms, but they cant get out of the dish.

i did end up pulling off some shed off his tail this morning. i will lay off the neosporin for the moment.

yes its bleeding just at the tip of his tail. i dont have a camera at the moment, so i cant show pics. it isnt bleeding profusely, or even dripping.

i hope he gets better. if not, then i guess its to the vet!


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I think what it might be is the start of a skin infection. This happened to a couple of my geckos. Neosporin helped. I learned this the hard way as I had one of my geckos lose the tip of his tail to infection. You want to make sure you get all of the stuck shed off and then apply the Neosporin once a day. I guess keeping applying until the gecko sheds again or it looks better. If there is any skin left that you cant get off the gecko will probably shed again soon.
Honestly it sounds very minor at this point and no where near needing a vet but only you can be the judge of that.

Good luck!


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
thanks everyone! so far, his tail has stopped bleeding completely...but im still a little concerned...i know he has a regenerated tail, i bought him like that from the petstore. but its never looked this bad, nor has it ever bled from shedding.

pics: (i only managed to get one non blurry one)


here's Wretch...very mad at me for taking pics of while basically holding upside down to get them:



Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
the tip of his tail is hard, about 1/4 of an inch of it. it almost looks like there's no skin at all around the very tip.

anyone got any ideas? is this how a regenerated tail works? or could this be something else?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I had a gecko recently that seemed to have the end of tail problem. I don't know what happened and wondered if she'd burned it. I would advise continuing to keep it clean and to expect that it may scab and then have the scab break. She may lose the tail tip. I think it's just a tricky place to have a tail problem and it dries out easily. My female with the problem now has a regenerated tip that points upward.


Brett B

New Member
It looks like while sheading maybe yo uacidentally tore that section of the tail off or something like that. That or a burn, but if you have something that can burn your gecko in its tank, then it should not even be in there.

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