I received a High Yellow het 100% Bell in the mail yesterday and everything seemed fine. It was brought to my attention later that night that she appears to be starting to drop her tail. We believe that this is either due to stress or bullying, but we are not quite sure. I separated her into her own tank with food, water, and calcium powder, and I put a blanket over the top of the cage because she kept trying to walk through the glass. I was wondering, it's a small incision, if there was anything I could do to try and save the tail so it won't fully drop? Could I use Neosporin on the cut to avoid infections and increase healing time? She seems a little lethargic, but other than that, she is doing quite well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am also going to be calling the vet to see if there is anything they could do too, but this is just for in the meantime.