Tail question


Corn and Crested Crazy
North Carolina
Ok, so I don't own a beardie yet but hope to in the future. Anyways, I was at the evil chain pet store the other day to buy a dorm friendly pet (Betta) and looked in on the reptiles they had. Not a single one of the baby beardies had a full tail... I was wondering if beardie's grow their tails back at all or will they have a taper-less tail the rest of their lives?

Also, one of the baby's tail ends is black and it looks somewhat like ash on a cigarette that needs to be tapped off. I had mentioned this two or three weeks ago when I stopped by for feeders for my snakes to the guy at the checkout but he didn't seem to care :main_angry: anyways, would the blackness at the end be considered necrosis or is it not going to spread if it looks dry? I'm worried about the little guy. All of the babies were very pretty with Halloween colors... black and orange when they weren't even colored up!


they dont grow their tails back, they will just heal up into a little stub, usually this means that their are too many cage mates and/or their isn't enough food to be offered to all of them.

i have no idea what you are talking about, but my all my beardies have black tip tails, regardless of what morph they are.


Corn and Crested Crazy
North Carolina
Well what I mean is that the end of the tail looks withered and dead and dried up like it should just fall off because it's all dry. I'm not talking about the color so much as how the tail looks like it is dead and just hasn't fallen off yet. I am wondering if this could have ill effects on the little guy's health.

There are three babies in the same little tank with more poo on the repti-carpet than there is little pellets in the food dish.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
THe tail may have a burn or may have been bitten and is getting ready to fall off. When you're ready to get a beardie, please consider seriously getting one from a breeder. As you can see, there are some issues with pet store beardies.



Corn and Crested Crazy
North Carolina
Oh, I am definitely getting a beardie from a breeder or a show when I do actually get one. I'm just concerned about the state of health the little guys I saw were in. I'm considering asking to talk to the manager but I don't know that it will do much good.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Oh, I am definitely getting a beardie from a breeder or a show when I do actually get one. I'm just concerned about the state of health the little guys I saw were in. I'm considering asking to talk to the manager but I don't know that it will do much good.

It doesn't hurt as long as you're prepared for the possibility that the manager will brush you off. That's most likely in a large pet store. I have had much more success in a privately owned store. One of the ones I sell my geckos to has switched from sand to tile/carpet for the geckos.


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