

New Member
Is a tangelo a tangerine breed to a tremper albino and the offspring breed to another albino? but doesn't that produce a sunglow?


a hybino was a tangerine bred to an albino

then a sunglow was a tangerine bred to an albino

now a tangelo is a tangerine bred to an albino

they are all one and the same genetically no matter how they look. I have asked over and over what is genetically different about a tangelo? no one has ever been able to give me a real answer. So if you have kept them and can tell me what is genetically different about them then I'll believe it. ;)


New Member
Columbus, Ohio
Line bred I dunno. The pictures RT have of Tangelos(Orange and white) Definitely look different from what I would consider a Sunglow(all orange). Did you read the description on the link I posted?


Sunglows are a line bred trait, tangerines and an albino strain selectivley bred for extremely bright colors

your link says- "2002 I have developed my super tangerine line of Tremper albinos to a point of becoming worthy of a trade name - the Tremper "TANGELO"."
It goes on to say- "there are Tangelos and Sunglows that may look alike, but where derived by different genetics." what are these genetics? the only specifications are "The TANGELO was developed here and independent of all other "glow" or "hy" types, such as those using the "Flordia Strain" super hypo carrot-tail tangerine designers as their base of development."

so essentially it is a new morph because he line bred a different tangerine line for the cross.

They are co-dom as well!

"It is possible that this color process is a co-dominant trait. Several years of test breedings suggest that theory likely to be true. SUPER TANGELO bred to a SUPER TANGELO gives only SUPER TANGELOS."

so what do do super tangelo's look like that make them different?
Tangelo- http://www.leopardgecko.com/Websites/leopardgecko/Images/available/leopardgeckos/tangelo662a.jpg
Super Tangelo-http://www.leopardgecko.com/Websites/leopardgecko/Images/available/leopardgeckos/tangelo663a.jpg

The only difference I can see is that the super for is more orange. So if you breed 2 tangelo's together (which I'm assuming are line bred) you get extra orange offspring compared to the adults, then if you breed those babies together you get more higher quality (more orange) babies, but if you bred them back to the lower quality (less orange) parents you'd get a mix of low and high quality offspring... that sounds like line breeding not co-dominance.

Also on the note of co-dominance, shouldn't tangelo looking animals be produced when crossed to a normal if co-dominant? but isn't it a tremper albino? isn't it also recessive? How come there is no non albino form then?

In conclusion Tangelos were released in 2002 and claimed to be a new co-dominant morph. Throughout their ten years in the market nothing more than the fact that they are nice looking high lavender sunglows has been proven. Tangelos sunglows hybinos and hyglos are all tangerine albinos.


New Member
Columbus, Ohio
what are these genetics? the only specifications are "The TANGELO was developed here and independent of all other "glow" or "hy" types, such as those using the "Flordia Strain" super hypo carrot-tail tangerine designers as their base of development."

so essentially it is a new morph because he line bred a different tangerine line for the cross.

Right there he says it. You feel all of the tangerines come from the same strain/gene/process? He doesn't. Its pretty much that simple. You don't feel finding another tangerine gene and incorporating it into a morph combo is worthy of a new "morph" designation. You are obviously entitled to your opinion. I personally think they look different enough. High dollar? Not necessarily to me. I have a hard time justifying more than $200 for ANYTHING I don't actually need. You should see my computer components. :) I dunno, seems like RT just gets a bad rap around here. Maybe I'm just a bit naive on the whole topic. Maybe its a bit of both?


Northern California
Right there he says it. You feel all of the tangerines come from the same strain/gene/process? He doesn't. Its pretty much that simple. You don't feel finding another tangerine gene and incorporating it into a morph combo is worthy of a new "morph" designation. You are obviously entitled to your opinion. I personally think they look different enough. High dollar? Not necessarily to me. I have a hard time justifying more than $200 for ANYTHING I don't actually need. You should see my computer components. :) I dunno, seems like RT just gets a bad rap around here. Maybe I'm just a bit naive on the whole topic. Maybe its a bit of both?

I can put it this way wowoklol, do you really think that the people Bill Gates went to school with say good things about him? Do you think people can put aside thier social conflicts and respect a person for thief accomplishments? Do you think we can all just get along because we love a similar animal? No x 3. I've only been on this site for a few months but I see the groups. I thought I was out of highschool. Tangelo is different. Tell PG their green geckos are just emerines. Tell hisss their electrics are just tangs and should be 40 bucks. Blood hypos? Emerald? Shtchct? Sunglow? Hybino? Hyglo? I see nothing wrong with Ron's statement. Do you want me to call him to clarify?


New Member
Columbus, Ohio
I can put it this way wowoklol, do you really think that the people Bill Gates went to school with say good things about him? Do you think people can put aside thier social conflicts and respect a person for thief accomplishments? Do you think we can all just get along because we love a similar animal? No x 3. I've only been on this site for a few months but I see the groups. I thought I was out of highschool. Tangelo is different. Tell PG their green geckos are just emerines. Tell hisss their electrics are just tangs and should be 40 bucks. Blood hypos? Emerald? Shtchct? Sunglow? Hybino? Hyglo? I see nothing wrong with Ron's statement. Do you want me to call him to clarify?

Lol nah, it doesn't really matter to me! Can't we all just get along!??!?! :)

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
You feel all of the tangerines come from the same strain/gene/process? He doesn't. Its pretty much that simple.

No, it's actually simpler. There are no feelings or opinions in genetics, it is a simple matter of facts. Either a gene exists or it does not, it is present in a particular organism or it is not. There is no single gene for tangelo, emerine, or any other tangerine variety. They are all derived from a line breeding process that alters a number of genes which control the expression of color. This is very different from a single gene mutation like the ones that cause albinism or Eclipse eyes, or any similar morph. The genetic process behind the tangerine lines is much more complex and more similar to the process that controls human skin color. In the same way that you could line breed humans of different races to achieve a desired skin tone (horribly unethical of course, but still possible), leopard geckos can be bred, selecting those closest to the desired result in each generation for further breeding until the goal is reached. If all the tangerine lines were the result of different genes then it would not be possible to cross the various lines to further improve them, instead the result would be a normal gecko carrying both genes just like when albino strains are crossed.

Ron Tremper has accomplished a lot during his career and deserves much respect for it, but everyone has their flaws and his reputation for less than scrupulous marketing practices has been earned just as much as the respect for his accomplishments.

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