Tangerine Dorsal female free for pet


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
I have a female Dorsal stripe that has major shedding problems. I have hand shed her every single tme she has shed. She is 20 grams now and was born 5-23-08. She is small but eats good just will not shed on her own. OPm me for more info.

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

Female for Free

As a gentleman, and with the knowledge that you would get a Gecko for free, you should not ask about Free Shipping.

Snowy & Petra de Gecko


After seeing the cost of shipping, I would have to revise my previous comment and then say As a Gentleman, you should ask privately about the shipping costs.


New Member
After seeing the cost of shipping, I would have to revise my previous comment and then say As a Gentleman, you should ask privately about the shipping costs.


ha ha ha
sorry i couldn't help but laugh I could just see someone coming in all stern in their face but still polite and without a face change or tone of voice change continue on with this statement,lol

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

Slightly Embarrassed

Well I do not blame you for laughing.:main_laugh:

My first thought was you are getting a Gecko for free and you are asking about the shipping?

I have seen on other websites that there is a 50 dollar or so charge for the shipping when you purchase a Gecko but, it did not enter my mind.

Then, after I made the posting I looked at the forum where they were discussing the costs of shipping and whom to ship with, time to ship, heat packs, etc.

Then, I realized I might have been too harsh in my initial statement and wanted to make amends. While there was some Egg on my face, I had not fallen flat on my face.:eek:

I had to maintain the tone of voice only because what else was I to do after making the statement.

I am a Junior Member and I am new to the forum. So I was shooting from the hip and then later I said Opps.:oops:

I suspose that it was one of those Oh Gee Wiz Moments.:D


New Member
Well I do not blame you for laughing.:main_laugh:

My first thought was you are getting a Gecko for free and you are asking about the shipping?

I have seen on other websites that there is a 50 dollar or so charge for the shipping when you purchase a Gecko but, it did not enter my mind.

Then, after I made the posting I looked at the forum where they were discussing the costs of shipping and whom to ship with, time to ship, heat packs, etc.

Then, I realized I might have been too harsh in my initial statement and wanted to make amends. While there was some Egg on my face, I had not fallen flat on my face.:eek:

I had to maintain the tone of voice only because what else was I to do after making the statement.

I am a Junior Member and I am new to the forum. So I was shooting from the hip and then later I said Opps.:oops:

I suspose that it was one of those Oh Gee Wiz Moments.:D

Lol your cool, I just think it's funny because it sounds like something I would do!!!! LOL

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