tank size


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
some people would say yes some would'nt

if space is a bit difficult then yes it would

but id rather give them more room

i use a plastic tub it was only £5 and its around 25 gallon it looks rubbish but id rather have that than pay £120 for a tank

its realli up 2 u 2bh it just depends on if u feel good about it when u look at the 12x12x18 in person it looks small but the 18x18x24 looks alot bigger


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I agree with MrLeoGecko, it is only 11gallons worth of space and an adult would do alot better in a 15 gallon. Now if thats all the space you have for a gecko, it will be fine, but if you can go a little larger, shoot for the 18 x 18 x 18 exoterra.

I myself have alot of things going on, I have tanks, I have exos, I have tubs, I have drawers. If you are only having one gecko, then I know I would go with a tank setup simply for beauty. When you start getting into how many some of us breeders have, we would go broke if all we used was tanks! I do have 1 living viv as my show tank, but that has a p.kochi in it!

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