Tarentola Annularis...


New Member
Landrum, SC
... or White Spot Geckos.

Does anyone here have experience with these guys? If so, are they difficult to keep? Do they tend to be aggressive, or skittish/jumpy? And what's the minimum enclosure they can thrive in?

Someone in my area is trying to adopt one out, due to them losing their job. They don't want to get rid of it, but they have two small children, and are afraid they can't provide it the proper care it'll need due to the sudden decrease in income.

Sorry for all the questions. I've read some care sheets, but I want to hear from someone with on hand experience. Thanks in advance for your time, and information.

Take care!

- Wulf

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
I was at the expo this past weekend and they had a breeder there who had told me a little bit of info after me asking " Why are there so many?" LOL, i look into this one tank and they had like 20 "whites" in there. The lady had told me she kindoff got stuck with a couple of these guys and just placed them into a 20 Tall terr. She said in less than two months they had multiplied from 3 - 11 or something. mixing the juvi's in with the sub adults and even with the adults, they seem to be very sociable, a little skiddish and breeed like crazy. She was also telling me that "banana geckos" are also very similar.

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