Teenager attacked with snake


New Member
A gang pinned down a 14-year-old boy and attacked him with a snake, forcing the reptile to bite the teenager on the arm, police said Sunday.

Police said they were interviewing two teenagers over the attack in Bristol which they suspect was racially motivated.

The boy was taken to hospital for treatment on Saturday after the non-venomous snake, thought to be a python about 1.2 metres long, sank its fangs into his arm, leaving two puncture wounds, police said.

"The teenager had been subject to racist comments and then reportedly held down as a snake was held in front of him, which bit his right arm," a spokesman for Avon and Somerset police said.

"The boy was taken to Frenchay Hospital with breathing problems, where he was treated for the injury to his arm."

The boy gave a description of the snake to ambulance officers who contacted experts.

"We contacted Bristol Zoo to talk to their snake expert. What we described they indicated was probably a type of python, so not venomous," an officer from Great Western Ambulance said.

Link to story can be found here :- http://uk.news.yahoo.com/18/20090809/tuk-teenager-attacked-with-snake-police-a7ad41d.html

Tbh it makes me sick how some people abuse their reptiles and feel it gives those of us who are responsible owners a bad rep. I just hope they dont try to get stupid laws over here in the UK for snakes etc just because of a few people who dont deserve to keep them :main_angry:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Poor snake. That's such a weird story anyway. I've never heard of a snake being used as a weapon. I doubt he was trained to strike on command. Really sad...

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