Teenagers that think they are all that and a bag of chips....


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
I am so far beyond piseed right now. I live with my inlaws and they have my husbands cousin living here well shes 14 and shes enrolled into a school thats a mile away from the house and she doesn't have rides to&from school and shes too dang lazy to walk and she treats everyone in the house like sh*t and she expects us to do sh*t for her and take her to & from school and its like I don't think so if you want to be taken then you need to act like a respectful human being and not attack people literally attack she bit my husband yesterday and was trying to kick him for asking her to turn her music down and shes been like this for a couple of years now and his parents dont do crap about it and shes getting worse. its like hello wake up and smell the coffee people she needs someone to teach her how to be a normal human being and not think its funny when she attacks and cussing people out. they been acting like they are scared of her since they found out she has scolosis(spelling?) so she gets to go whereever she wants and says and does whatever she wants now. I am just so sick of them letting her run over everyone and not do anything about it. No one will ever understand how much I hate her literally hate her I have never liked people that act like her and nor would have ever acted or spoke to my elders in the matter she does because I had respect and i knew if i did i would be damned to the house for a while which was something i didnt like when i was 14 yrs old i liked going to my friends houses and movies and etc, yeah i might have thought things in my head but i never spoke them to my elders because i knew i would be dead now if i did so she just disguises me with her actions. sorry for my rant if its long i just needed it off my chest if some stuff doesn't make sense im still tired a lil LOL



New Member
Wow Danielle I feel for you,I can't stand teenagers that think they can do whatever they want and to who they want,it sound like she needs to go to boot camp for unruley teens.Good Luck I hope you make it through this tough time.


New Member
Jupiter, Fl
I agree. It is really hard to watch that kind of behavior and see nothing done about it. I wasnt raised in a dictatorship household and i have respect for mostly everyone. You dont need to beat someone to get them to act properly. Ive got a young cousin(6-7) who has been acting very similar for a few years now already. She is going to be a nightmare when she gets older.


New Member
That sucks and I those type of kids annoy me but has anyone taken out the time to have her checked out? Before everyone goes running for the hills their might be some deep rooted issue that's making her act out. Trauma, chemical imbalances, family issues,some other type of issue, etc. you never know. Teenagers are odd creatures, you never know what's really wrong because they tend to mask everything with attitude, etc.

So before knowing the actual reasons and labeling her as a Rotten Apple someone might want to be her advocate and find out what's really wrong.


New Member
Miami, FL
That sucks and I those type of kids annoy me but has anyone taken out the time to have her checked out? Before everyone goes running for the hills their might be some deep rooted issue that's making her act out. Trauma, chemical imbalances, family issues,some other type of issue, etc. you never know. Teenagers are odd creatures, you never know what's really wrong because they tend to mask everything with attitude, etc.

So before knowing the actual reasons and labeling her as a Rotten Apple someone might want to be her advocate and find out what's really wrong.

I agree. Sounds like there could be something really wrong with this girl. If there is ANYONE who can get thru to her somehow, they might want to encourage her to seek some professional help on her own with the support of her family...

Because if she doesn't she's going to end up being taken away involuntarily by Florida's Baker Act. Think Britney Spears in that picture of her being carried away to the institution. That's what's going to happen if she doesn't shape up. I had it happen to me when I was younger, and it's no joke. You come out worse than you go in.

Worse comes to worse, and you HAVE to have her committed (YES you can do that if she threatens to hurt or kill herself, or anyone else): Here's info on the Baker Act & what it is: http://www.fkoc.org/InfoPages/bakeract.htm#Involuntary.

I hope it doesn't get to that point, and I hope she seeks help. Biting and kicking generally leads to worse things...which is why I provided the information above. Good luck Danielle.


Est; 1992
London, UK
Ill stick up for the minority here.
We are not all bad?
Hell I haven't started any hissy fits have I?
Lol =D

P.s Good luck she does sound like a brat though.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I really don't want to sound preachy, so I'll apologize now. And I know I will probably catch some flack for my beliefs, so I'll just apologize for that, too.
If shes given no boundries and no limits, she will get worse. This behavior will escalate. Think about it this way. A puppy left with no training will eventually turn in to a bad dog. Being a teenager, she will push her limits and she's relying on her elders to guide her to what is and isn't acceptable behavior. No guidance will gain no respect for anything or anyone. Personally (and this is just my personal opinion), I don't care if shes bi-polar, depressed, ADD, OCD, or any of the other bogus titles they give kids to dismiss bad behavior, I would beat her a$$ within an inch of her life. She may push others afterwards, but she won't push you.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
If you think about it, we may be human and high on the evolutionary scale, but we are still mammals and as such primatively have a "pack" mentality. Our families are our pack. They're is a distinct hierarchy within a pack. The easiest example is wolves. They're led by the alpha male and female, they all know their position in the pack and should a pup try to step up to be a "big dog" theres another member of the pack to nip them on the butt to remind them thats not a good idea. Its the same thing with family dynamics.

Shes the alpha right now and everyone else is reacting to her to keep her happy. There is absolutely, positively no reason to be afraid of a child in your own home. Someone needs to let her know under no uncertain terms her behavior will not be tolerated. You may be viewed as the alpha afterwards, and you may have upset you in-laws for a couple days, but right now, she needs to be knocked down.

Okay.... stepping off the soap box for now...


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
I really don't want to sound preachy, so I'll apologize now. And I know I will probably catch some flack for my beliefs, so I'll just apologize for that, too.
If shes given no boundries and no limits, she will get worse. This behavior will escalate. Think about it this way. A puppy left with no training will eventually turn in to a bad dog. Being a teenager, she will push her limits and she's relying on her elders to guide her to what is and isn't acceptable behavior. No guidance will gain no respect for anything or anyone. Personally (and this is just my personal opinion), I don't care if shes bi-polar, depressed, ADD, OCD, or any of the other bogus titles they give kids to dismiss bad behavior, I would beat her a$$ within an inch of her life. She may push others afterwards, but she won't push you.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I COMPLETELY AGREE! You cannot allow a personality disorder to control someone. They need to be treated just as normal as other kids IF YOU WANT THEM TO BE NORMAL! I fully and completely agree with that. I hate medication, I am completely against psychological medication because the only way psychological medication works is by inducing slight brain damage, quite literally. And the only reason they are advertising all these medications on TV is because the pharmaceutical compainies are so powerful with money. They need to be finding alternative methods for kids like this, other than medication but again, the pharmaceutical companies have too much money... Sorry big rant.

I agree with ^^. Dont allow the title of a disorder to dismiss bad behavior. Children like this need to be beaten! lol. Or taught a lesson or something.


New Member
I walked a little over a mile to school every day (except when the weather was bad) for 2 years and it helped keep me in shape. Tell her to ride a bike she can be there in 10 min.

And if she was in my house acting like that I don't even want to think of what my dad would do. He doesn't get mad easily but when he does you better run. I am a good girl so I don't normally have to worry, but my sister is always getting an attitude with him so she gets stuff taken away (cell, laptop, computer, t.v., etc.)
And I would probably end up giving her a good smack.


New Member
I never said having a title of some disorder excuses her actions and I like other's don't believe in medications either. I've done my research most of the time doctors medicate for is $$$.

All children need boundaries, I understand that but if a child is going through some type of trauma (abuse/rape/etc.) they've been known to internalize it and one of the ways it comes out is to act out. Is that the case here? I dunno and it's not for me to know or find out, I just bought it up because she's not living with her parents (Are her parent drugs users or in the Peace Corp doing missionary work, I dunno) and the OP said that she's been acting like this the past few years (is that 2-3 years? Ever since she was 5, I dunno).

Not saying this is the case because she might just be one rotten teenager but it was just some food for thought because I knew everyone would jump on the beat her with a paddle, crack her over the head, etc.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
I agree with all of you. We have tried to talk to her and my husbands parents that this is not normal but they dont do anything about it and shes not our child to do stuff about we can't take her to doctors and stuff we aren't her guardians, i told his sister if she could convince his parents to have her see a therapist but first have a meeting with a therapist with the family that lives in the house with her so we can all tell whoever it the actions we have seen from her in the last couple of years. IMO she acts bi polar because i had friends whom were bi polar and they had outbursts and stuff like that over nothing and thats what she does. some of them had meds some just had a therapist or whatever to talk to a few times a week and it kept them from having as many outbursts. and she has threatened to kill everyone in the house at night with a knife so i have told everyone if she starts with me i will be calling law enforcement to take her away. because im not going to touch her cuz her biological parents are douches that if i left marks she would call and have them press charges against me for beating up a minor so i decided i will just let law enforcement do the dirty work so i am free&clear of any trouble cuz if i get my hands on her she will be dead literally. shes been smacked and etc it doesn't faze her, she keeps running her mouth. as i know now she is supposed to walk to school tomorrow which we will see about that i wont believe until i see it if you know what i mean. i have told all in the house i dont give a crap about her so i was like it aint my problem if she dont go to school and etc his parents wanted to take her in so they need to step up and if she dont walk to school then they need to change her school to one with a bus that runs by the house. which is what we have been telling them since the summer before school started but have they done anything no. i know that her biological parents haven't played any roles of raising her and her mom has been in&out of jail her whole life and her dad has been living in NY her whole life with sometimes coming here for a few months but she doesn't live with him at that time and he maybe sees her once a month at that point. my husbands parents have raised her and provided her with everything and i have told her to be thankful shes with them and not in state care which is where she would be if she lived with her mom when she was little cuz of her going in&out of jail/prison. I hope his dad doesn't kiss her butt tonight and tells her if she dont shape up that she will be shipped off to her daddy or mommy or someone else because supposedly thats what he told her this morning. so yeah we will see if she changes her tune real soon, for a while we have her acting mostly normal until his parents started telling her not to listen to us we had her doing household chores and helping us for in turn we took her places like parks and movies and etc but after they started stepping in again we told them ok well now you deal with her nasty butt cuz she aint getting crap from us any longer. ultimately i want to see them act like alpha to her and then i want them to get her professional help.


New Member
Although I am 15 years old myself, I have to agree with this. Most teenagers these days think they are the absolute best people in the world.
I really despise those that think going into the woods and drinking, and also stealing property is 'cool.'
The majority of teens shoplift from small stores and steal things(that they don't even need!) which ruins it for teens like me, who mean no one any harm.
I was in a pharmacy with my two friends yesterday, and a security guard followed us throughout the whole store, peeking out at us from between aisles! We also overheard her tell an employee to 'keep an eye on' us. Urghhh. I can't even walk into a store to check out hair dye in peace anymore!
And what more? Last night a group of 6 teenagers were walking around my neighborhood and trying the doors of every house(including my own) to see if they could get in and steal something. They were also playing around in people's garages.

It's frustrating to be 15 when everyone else your age is ruining your image.:main_no:


New Member
quote/ Last night a group of 6 teenagers were walking around my neighborhood and trying the doors of every house(including my own) to see if they could get in and steal something. They were also playing around in people's garages./quote

I hope someone called the police about this:main_angry:
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Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
I really don't want to sound preachy, so I'll apologize now. And I know I will probably catch some flack for my beliefs, so I'll just apologize for that, too.
If shes given no boundries and no limits, she will get worse. This behavior will escalate. Think about it this way. A puppy left with no training will eventually turn in to a bad dog. Being a teenager, she will push her limits and she's relying on her elders to guide her to what is and isn't acceptable behavior. No guidance will gain no respect for anything or anyone. Personally (and this is just my personal opinion), I don't care if shes bi-polar, depressed, ADD, OCD, or any of the other bogus titles they give kids to dismiss bad behavior, I would beat her a$$ within an inch of her life. She may push others afterwards, but she won't push you.

I'm with The Crazy Snake Lady on this one. When I was young there was a system of checks and balances in place that seems to have gone by the waste side these days.


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
Bipolar disorder has become the default answer for anyone with bad behavior. I know there are real cases where people are bipolar, but I think the explosion of it's diagnosis has a lot more to do with Doctors and pharmaceutical companies selling their drugs. There is more money in treatment than there is in a cure. I often see and hear ads for anti-depressants where one of the side effects is "thoughts of suicide," which makes no sense to me. From what I've seen anti-depressant drugs are just as harmful as the depression that they are supposed to work against.

As far as your cousin goes, it seems to me that she needs some counselling and that for the most part she is just spoiled in a sense by those who undermine any attempts to discipline her. We all face obstacles in our lives, it's how we handle those obstacles that makes us who we are.
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