I responded to an ad for crested geckos, and inquired about sex. I was told that they had 'temp sexed babies'. Last I knew, there was no evidence supporting temp related sex determination. Have I missed this information somewhere?
Thanks in advance!
Kinda what I thought as well...not sure if it's that he's just trying to pull the wool over my eyes on this, I know he does shows, and should know what he's talking about, IMO.
As far as i know, temp sexing cresties has yet to receive substantial proof. So unless he was just experimenting, or believes otherwise(opinions may vary on the subject) then there is no true way for him to say they are temp sexed.
As stated there has been no proof thus so far of sex temped, and I have talked to many large scale breeders who had been testing to see if it occurs and after several years of trying there is no conclusive evidence for it. However temps do play a role in crest and head structure. It has been shower cooler temps and longer incubation periods produce larger babies, hardier, and better crest structure as I said.