Temperature fluctuations?


Wonder Reptiles
I decided to "incubate" my first ever eggs at room temperature.
Turns our my central air sucks at staying consistant.
It ranges between 69-74 degrees in my basement. Are these fluctuations going to harm my eggs?
Should I use my actually incubator for my next batch, to be more consistant?
I have a zoomed Reptibator. My only concern with THAT would be doesnt the temperature in the incubator change if the temperature in the house is warmer? So I would have to incubate at 75-76 to make sure they stayed consistant..?


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
75-76 is pushing towards the warmer side. I would say watch your hatch dates and make sure they are incubating for at least 80 days, 90+ is even better. If you are finding they are hatching before then you may simply want to try this: Get a styrofoam container, something from a sporting goods department and keep the eggs in this, it will keep the temps within stable. Inside the container you an either use a prob thermometer or a wireless digital (I have both) to monitor the temps inside. If you are still finding them to be 75 there is an easy fix. Take empty soda bottles and fill them with cool water and place them inside (2 of them should work). Elevate the eggs so that the water bottles are not actually touching the containers holding the eggs, this can be accomplished with empty deli cup. This will cool the eggs slightly while keeping them at stable temps. But usually the water bottles need to be changed daily.

Like I had said before, slightly cooler is better than slightly warm. There is nothing wrong with 68 degree incubator temps and letting the eggs go between 100-120 days to hatch. This is far better than incubating warm and having the eggs hatch out earlier, the earlier the smaller and less strong of hatchling. The longer the larger/strong/healthier/and usually better structured baby hatches.

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