The big kids (Larger Geckos)


New Member
NE Ohio
We have geckos that are quite large compared to the normal 40-60 gram range of what is considered average adult size. None of these are Giants or Super Giants. They are just big. We don't feed them any different than any of our other animals. They get one superworm or 15 mealies every 3 days. They aren't fat to the point that they have fat feet, enormous calcium pockets, or dragging bellies. They have come from various breeders nationwide, or are animals we produced in house. I'm surprised at how many times people make comments when we are at shows. I'm constantly hearing "I've never seen a gecko that big" or they think it isn't a leopard gecko at all. Off the top of my head I would say we have about 2 dozen (if not more) animals that are over the 75 gram mark. We had one extremely large female who was sold last year who weighed 104. Currently our largest female sits at 86 grams, and our largest male is about 100 grams, but does weigh a bit more when not breeding. These do not include our giants. So here are my questions:
What is the largest non-giant gecko you've ever seen?
What is the largest non-giant gecko you own?
Does it seem like we have an unusually high number of larger animals?
Do you think the average size of leopard geckos is getting larger the more they are bred in captivity? (Kind of like how people are taller than they were 100 years ago due to advances in nutrition and health care)


Winchester, UK
That is indeed correct. In captivity they have no natural predators meaning they can flourish in colour and size. Wild type leopards are plain dull and small for a reason, so they can blend in and escape quickly into small places when threatened.
My males are too coming up to the 90g mark and there other people I know to with biggies :D


Ghoulish Geckos
I have a male that is 136 grams. He's not a giant. Just a regular gem snow. Many of mine are above 75 grams. I don't have any giants at all.


New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
What is the largest non-giant gecko you've ever seen?
I haven't seen any much bigger than mine...:)
What is the largest non-giant gecko you own?
I got a male normal from a local petshop in 08, he tops out at 118g's, but he's currency sitting at 110.

Does it seem like we have an unusually high number of larger animals?
I wouldn't say so no, the average now a days seems to be 60-80g's, you don't see too many of what used to be the 40-50g adults "norm", unless you're working with subspecies like afghans, which tend to be smaller.
Do you think the average size of leopard geckos is getting larger the more they are bred in captivity? (Kind of like how people are taller than they were 100 years ago due to advances in nutrition and health care)
Yes. There was a thread i read probably about a year ago, talking about this very thing. It seems that since so many people are now breeding geckos, they seem to be getting bigger and bigger.
I'll bring up the afghan point again, they haven't been worked with and bred nearly as much as E.m macularius. They are also known to be slightly smaller than the normal 70grammer. Who knows, maybe 10 years down the line, when afghans are bred to the extent as E.m.m, maybe the normal weight of them will be what we see today at the average of 70gs or so. Or who knows, maybe someone who works with subspecies a lot can chime in, maybe theyve already seen a slight increase in size compared to the imports?
My 2c:)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
By summer, most of my males are in the 90-100 gram level with one consistently reaching 116 (he's about 100 now).



New Member
NE Ohio
Sometimes I feel bad because people worry that their gecko isn't big enough. I try to reassure them that it is probably fine if it is in the 40-60 gram range. I have had people comment that they are trying to get their smaller animals bigger by feeding them waxworms and pinkies because they look small compared to some I have for sale. I find myself having to explain the difference between large and fat, and why that isn't always a good idea.

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