The business of leopard geckos

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
I agree with all the comments. Great dialogue and very important info for new folks wishing to make some extra money by breeding leos, or any animals at this time. This economy is horrible, and it's not just the leo biz that has been affected, though there is a also glut of geckos on the market as well which does make it a bit more challenging.

Having said all that, we have done fairly well with our sales. A few things I think that are worth mentioning.... Keep it simple. Don't try to provide a lot of different morphs, but specialize in a few. Leave the more unique, obscure morphs to the expert breeders here who have the background required. Also, providing high quality customer service is extremely important. For instance, if someone contacts you about a gecko, respond promptly, not days or weeks later. Show them you care and are on top of your game.

We also feel it is very important to provide socialized animals. We have all bought geckos that are basket cases and difficult to tame, so it is a huge bonus for customers when they find they can easily handle their animals right out of the deli cup. We get that comment a lot, so we take the time to handle each gecko daily so it is a good experience for our customers.

Providing top notch animals with a good health profile will go a long way in making your venture successful should you decide to do this. We also have our storefront operation so that augments our sales and allows us to sell equipment and supplies to supplement gecko sales.

Best of luck, but proceed with great caution. I have a gut feeling that after Labor Day things will pick up, and once the economy comes back things will improve greatly for us all, whether you sell geckos, cars, or widgets.....
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