The expo was good


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
My mom and I just got home from the expo in Portland ME, a four hour drive. LOL The expo was calm and nice. There was many snakes up for sale. As well, as some skinks and tegus. I met Steve and Aliza (acapt). Aliza had her temper albino male for show. I got to hold him. He was HUGE, very heafty! She also had some hatchling leos up for sale for very resonable prices. I wanted to get one, but my mom made me chose.. either a leo or a corn snake... So I picked myself up a female candy cane hatchling corn from J&J Reptiles. I paid $35 for her. Her colors where brighter than the rest of the candy canes, so I just had to have her. I also bought one of Aliza's awesome clay bowls she made for herps. It's really neat. I am useing it for a water dish for my corn, perfect size for her. I didn't get a change to take any photos of the expo (which I regret now), due to we forgot to bring batteries along... It was a great time, and I will glady go to any other expo in the future. I don't think my mom was digging the expo, she is a girly girl and kept away from all the snakes... All though she did hold a baby blue tongue skink (we already have a adult bts, Hershal)....

I will take some photos of my new corn snake, Alley, tomorrow on my mom's cell. I want you all to see her! She is a doll!

Thank you for reading!!


Definately a ton of snakes there, I was impressed. I ended up picking up my gecko and got talked into picking up a baby cornsnake as well, a classic het hypo. Hopefully get some pics in a few days when we move him into his tank. We are using the tank right now to get our new gecko used to being here before she goes on to the big tank.


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
I will get some pictures on here later on today... :) She is gorgous, and very cute.

There was ALOT of snakes at the expo, I wanted a few others too, but mom said I could only get one herp.... so that stinked...

I will be moving Alley into my leos old 10 gallon tank today. Right now she is in a 20 gallon long, way to big for her size and age. She is really scared in all the room.... so then my leo will go to the 20 gallon tank.....

Pictures on the way!!

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