The paper towel corner bathroom......

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
In our home terrariums, we use reptile carpet. One of the corners of the terrarium is left open and unobstructed for them and we cut a corner of paper towel and place it in that corner. They quickly learn to go on that corner every time, then we just toss out that corner of PT and put in a new one. Works great! Keeps the carpet and terrarium clean and makes for a simple cleanup.

Leos are super clean animals and like to have a very clean enclosure. Once you start to use this method they catch on quickly. It's amazing to see how precisely they line up to go on the corner of paper towel. We have a 165 gram Super Giant (T Rex), and he's like a ballerina when he goes on his corner of paper towel! He lines his huge body up so very carefully, balances a foot against the glass, slides his tail carefully up the side of the terrarium, and deposits his pellet perfectly every time. Funny to watch, and truly amazing.

Try it and see. Works very well for us. When we tell our store customers about our method, they look at us kinda weird. Then they come back to the store later and tell us how incredible that has worked for them.


New Member
LOL I love it!!! I have watched my guys relieve themselves and it makes me giggle how they are so precise! Mine will put their back feet up on the glass tail in the air and go right dead in the corner!! LOL I like this Idea...but you could get fun with it and draw a bullseye on the paper towel LOL see who gets closer! Orrrrrr maybe a paper picture of someone you don't say any of those yahooos in government and have some real fun with it LOL!!

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
LOL I love it!!! I have watched my guys relieve themselves and it makes me giggle how they are so precise! Mine will put their back feet up on the glass tail in the air and go right dead in the corner!! LOL I like this Idea...but you could get fun with it and draw a bullseye on the paper towel LOL see who gets closer! Orrrrrr maybe a paper picture of someone you don't say any of those yahooos in government and have some real fun with it LOL!!

Hahaha. That's great Mel. I definitely know a few politicians pictures I'd like to use on that spot! Actually, quite a few. :main_yes:


New Member
Great idea - love it. Only problem I've got is one of my three leos likes to sleep in the poop corner with the poop. She was using a hide in this corner until they all started pooping on top of the hide. So I removed the hide, put down a slate tile, and they all nicely poop in this corner. Any advice here? Will she eventually learn that the pooping corner is not a sleeping corner? Or should I put the hide back and establish a poop corner somewhere else? But if I do, I have a feeling they will go back to pooping on top of the hide. They do have several hides that they don't use much, so she has other locations to hang out at, she just like this corner.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
I say be persistent with the paper towel corner and she'll eventually get the hang of it. Maybe experiment with the idea a bit and see what other ideas you can come up with.

Leos are smart but some are smarter than others. ;)


New Member
So one gets it and poops on the paper towel, one doesn't get it and sleeps on the paper towel, third ones getting closer to pooping on the paper towel almost every time. :::just gotta get that one away from the idea of sleeping in the poop corner:::


New Member
I've started doing this with my younger leos and it's going great! I'm waiting until breeding season is over to introduce anything new to my adults. One of my females is SUPER adverse to ANY change. I moved the humid hide once and she started chirping at me!


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
In our home terrariums, we use reptile carpet. One of the corners of the terrarium is left open and unobstructed for them and we cut a corner of paper towel and place it in that corner. They quickly learn to go on that corner every time, then we just toss out that corner of PT and put in a new one. Works great! Keeps the carpet and terrarium clean and makes for a simple cleanup.

Leos are super clean animals and like to have a very clean enclosure. Once you start to use this method they catch on quickly. It's amazing to see how precisely they line up to go on the corner of paper towel. We have a 165 gram Super Giant (T Rex), and he's like a ballerina when he goes on his corner of paper towel! He lines his huge body up so very carefully, balances a foot against the glass, slides his tail carefully up the side of the terrarium, and deposits his pellet perfectly every time. Funny to watch, and truly amazing.

Try it and see. Works very well for us. When we tell our store customers about our method, they look at us kinda weird. Then they come back to the store later and tell us how incredible that has worked for them.

You know something? In 25 yrs of raising leos Ive never seen one defecate and urinate.I've seen them copulate,lay eggs,eat,drink,lick calcium but now defecate or urinate.


New Member
You know something? In 25 yrs of raising leos Ive never seen one defecate and urinate.I've seen them copulate,lay eggs,eat,drink,lick calcium but now defecate or urinate.

REALLY??? OMG my male will do it while Im trying to feed him!!! i got to get him his dinner and he will head to the corner lift butt drop a load and then gobble!!! And can i just say it STINKS when its fresh!!! ICK! :main_laugh::p:main_laugh:


New Member
I keep a box full of 4x4 inch squares that I cut out while watching tv for all the corners of 25 tanks. Each night I go around, check water dishes and change their toilet paper. I think they apprecitate it due to the fact that the minute it is changed they have to check it out with a nice fresh poo.


LOL! My nemo learned that method when he was about one month old. lol. He used piece of paper as toilet C: These lizards can be wonnnddeerrfuul!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I use 4" square bathroom tiles. I also make ceramic tiles about the same size with a lip around the edges (since they seem to go right in between the tile and the glass wall of the tank) that say "POOPS" --that's how I know the geckos can read.


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