The real worth of a Dollar


Brian O

I have been working allot lately. My wife and I have been trying to save to start a family. With the last few years having been lean I asked for any overtime. So I was sent out to a job working 12 hours a day at nights (630pm to 630am). After a week of being there they shut down the job today. They had been demoing out the job for the week and just figured out they exposed us to abspestos( totally misspelled ) all week. When I say exposed I mean that the dust was so thick we could hardly see 15 feet. Just so they could save some money and see a bigger profit they basically gave us a death sentence. The general contractor knew it was there, the building owners knew it was there, and the demolition company should have tested it and Known it was there. I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for people like this.


Bells Rule!
That's totally f'd up! I hope you and the others are taking legal action!

Forgot to mention that I hope you weren't exposed too long and that your health is ok.


Gecko Genetics
WOW! I'm really sorry you had to put up with that, Brian. I hope things start to go your way. Hopefully the exposure you experienced won't have any lasting negative impacts.


Happy Gecko Family
Brian, I hope the exposure won't leave you negative health problems in the future!


GET A LAWYER RIGHT AWAY. Call your newspaper, your local health department, department of labor & industries & OSHA. DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THAT. THEY MUST PAY! That is soooooooo illegal. Hopefully your exposure won't cause lasting health problems. And now you should be able to get a big house and maybe never have to work again from your lawsuit against these SOBs. Seriously, get right on it. When all else fails, contact your state attorney general's office.


New Member
I hope everything is ok and you do not suffer any helth problems because of this. I agree with everyone else that you should take legal action and take every penny you can! That is so mesed up! I can not even begin to ponder what was going through these peoples heads when they decided that it was ok for them to put other peoples health in danger to save a few bucks! Hopefully you will get enough money to start your family without having to lift a finger. I'll keep you in my prayers that your health is ok.


Brian, I am so sorry to hear this. As a daughter of a general contractor, I lived with the same problems. My father had lung damage so bad from it and because I worked close with him as a child, handing him tools and things, Both my brother and I have COPD from the exposer we got. Luckily I am on meds to help my lungs and to be honest I am doing fairly good, My father on the other hand died at the age of 85 from this damage to his lungs, although he went into the hospital for a back injury and they gave him Morphine for pain and he aspirated and was on a a machine for three months before he died Had his lungs been healthy he could of pulled through. My advice to you is seek legal help. Also you need to get a check up at your works experince to see if there is any in your lungs. I ve heard if you catch it early on they can help you alot. I am really so sorry, you have been though this and I hope you can have a family and a happy life. Lastly always wear those special masks even if they say its abestos free. Its better to be safe than sorry. Good luck to you and yours, Deb
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New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Oh man, I'm sorry you had to work in those unhealthy conditions. It just pisses me off when employees don't give a crap about how their actions can and will cause harm to others. I see it all the time, it's not right, and someone should pay. I truly hope that you come out of this without one single health issue. My prayers are with you.

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