The Ugly Duckling

So now that Nike has settled in a bit, shed and got good temperatures shes has started to lighten up... in some areas lol She looks a little blotchy now. My question is, should she continue to lighten up? We love her regardless but this stage is not flattering :p


We will def be posting updates! Shes not a big eater yet, she likes the repti-aid but shes only eaten 5 meal worms and 2 crickets since we got her (about 2-3 weeks ago). It wasn't all at once either its really spread out and unpredictable. She did just shed and she got all of it off w/out a problem but she really just doesn't eat alot (Its frustrating when compared to the other fatties). But she looks and acts healthy other than being so small.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
She could still be getting used to the new environment and warming up to you. Give it time and be patient... I am sure you are doing all you can and that she is in good hands. :)

Not to sound like a downer but some geckos just dont eat much and some just dont thrive so it is quite possible that if things dont pickup that there is nothing you can do.


New Member
I think she is lovely either way :) If she was mine I could probably just assume I obtained her gravid :p haha. The color may have to do with nutrient levels since I know most leo's really show their colors when they get plenty of suppliments and if she is being a finicky eater it may be dimming her brilliance so to speak. Perhaps when she decides to not make her mommies panic and become the true fat gecko all of yours are we will see her "true colors" :)
lol yea lets hope so i would love to see what she is supposed to look like when shes actually healthy! its just so weird because when i put in two crickets the other day she went crazy and was even shaking her tail, now she wont look at them


New Member
Maybe you found the worlds most pickiest gecko to balance out your dragons. Well, you know how Malice was for awhile...eventually they come around...usually after you have given up all hope lol. She doesn't look too bad off though, not near death or anything.
yea very true lol its just so weird to have a picky gecko when all 8 of our others ones will eat almost anything you put in front of them! nyx just tried to eat the flashlight jen checked the eggs with, she wa fed the day before yesterday!


New Orleans
I have a emerine/extreme tang from H.I.S.S that I let someone have. They eventully they gave her back. When I got her back the Tang lines turned brown. I just heated her up and after awhile she turned that tang color agian!
I will take some more pics of her back legs later, when i look at her i dont see anything majorly wrong with them other then her being super skinny. Shes a big girl about 9.5 inches.

I could see the heat being an issue with her color, the strange part is she is almost never on her warm side, but rather spends all her time in the wet hide. (she looks darker this morning) I think since we have gotten her we have seen her on her warm side maybe 3 times? this could be normal but the majority of my geckos spend equal time in both if not more time on the warm side or middle.
We arent a 100% sure but the petstore we got her from said she came from a blizzard breeder, she came into the store with one that was completely white. ( this is what the store told us)


New Member
far side of sanity
shes pretty :)
id take a fecal sample to a vet,
get her checked for parasites and have a fecal stain done for crypto testing.
move her humid hide to the warm side and see if she stays in it there.
offer her food all the time and just keep trying :)
shes looking good for having been in that condition just weeks ago.
good luck :)
Thanks for the suggestion to move the hide side to the warm side because it definetly helped. I guess she just likes privacy she gets with that hide. In response we created a new wet hid for her and put damp vermiculite in it since the moss was gone. We noticed she started digging and got a little concerned so we decided to look at her stomache to make sure she wasn't gravid even though it didn't seem possible. Sadly when we looked at her she appears to be gravid which makes me so sad because shes tiny. Maybe thats why we missed it. The pet store said that she came in with a blizzard and they had my sister tell them the sex of all of their geckos because they didn't know how to tell. Unfortunatly the blizzard she came in with was gone so we have no way of knowing if it was a boy or a girl. She has been isolated since we got her so I guess we will have to wait and see. On the plus side she did eat 4 crickets the other day.

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