There Really Isn't Any Justice in the Court System

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New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Well I guess some of you that read this will get a look at part of me on a very personal level.
I been fighting a case since August of 2005. The charges are violating a stupid county code of using profanity on campgrounds directed at the Park Ranger and Resisting Arrest. I had 1 Judge Rule the County Code was Unconstitutional, throw the case out to have the DA file an Appeal and win so went to Jury Trial and lost and then I filed an Appeal on the Jury Trial and lost that as well. I have talked to alot of Attorneys lately and they say I am getting a raw deal but unless I pay them $10,000 plus for them to File the next Appeal they won't do anything. And even then they won't guaranty if they will get the Appeal in my favor. So looks like I get those charges on my record and have to spend time in jail, pay fees and Anger Management Classes.
So I am also trying to find an Attorney to Sue that County as well. Just can't find one that wants to get in the middle of that as well. I have called Attorneys in 2 counties also.
So basically unless you make alot of money you don't have a chance of winning in Court in America.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Wow that is ridiculous. I am sure that you had a pretty good reason to tell off the Park Ranger, too. You gotta love it when you try to teach someone a lesson (which sometimes needs to be yelled and perhaps with some profanity), and then everyone turns around and thinks you're the a-hole. Sorry to hear about this. One would think for that kind of money, you'd at least get some sort of affirmation that another Appeal would do some good and at least have a good possibility of going in your favor. I also don't see how that kind of behavior constitutes jail time. Anger management classes? Fine. Some sort of fee that ya gotta pay? Okay, whatever. But jail time? That's beyond ridiculous in my book. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Oh yeah, it died a long time ago when political correctness (p.c.) was born.
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Have you tried contacting civil liberties groups (ACLU)? Some might be interested on free speech grounds. Also, have you tried contacting your local bar association asking if there are any pro bono lawyers?

Just for the record when you call a lawyer don't act like someone who can't pay or will be a problem client.
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New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Now that I have better internet I will post the rest of the story.

My mom, older nephew, my wife and I decided to go camping for 5 days at this campground. We got there and started looking at some of the availible site. This is a Monday afternoon and most of the campground was empty. The Ranger did not like that we were taking our time picking the campsite we wanted. After looking at 5 or 6 we decided on a site we liked. The Ranger came back by and my mom paided for the days. I looked at the reciet and saw we were charged alot more then normally so I went to the Office to find out why. The girl called the Ranger on the cb and he went to the office. He then told me he would meet me at the camp site. I got in my truck and drove to the site. A minute later the Ranger drives up and tells my mom I said we were not going to pay those fees and we were leaving with a full refund. I then told him to stop lying and called him a few cuss names and a lier. He then went to arrest me so I avaided him so he went to grab pepper spray or mace so I put my hands up to protect my face in case he sprayed it. He put it away and went to run toward me. I moved away and ran down a trail. He proceeded to chase me and tackled me to the ground. He then cuffed me so tight my hands were black and blue for a month afterward and sore for 3 months. I couldn't work for 3 months because of it. They got me for resisting arrest because he chased and tackled me.
To this day I still don't know why we were charged the amount we were. The site did not have any power or water and we were camping in tents.


Excellent Geckos
in my thoughts
Wow! That really sucks and that guy is an A hole! seriously who does that? I hope you could of said something like this
"Ccrashca069" I think everyone should have fun with this. If someone gets their panties in a bunch, they need to pull them out and chill out.
Hope for the best John :)


At this point, I can't see that you'd have much chance of winning the case even if you had the money to pay a lawyer. Typically, free speech doesn't cover calling people names, particularly profanity, and the situation is worse when dealing with someone in law enforcement. At the same time, I can't see how any of this warrants jail time. That's stupid.

Is the park a state park, a federal park, or a county/municipal park? If the park is a state park or federal park, you might want to talk to your elected officials at whatever level runs this park. They probably can't help you with the court case, but you need to make the point that your family went to this park, paid for by your tax dollars, to have a nice time. You weren't inconveniencing anyone in taking your time picking the campsite, and the ranger was way out of bounds making an issue of the time you took. Furthermore, you didn't understand the charges that he was assessing, and instead of handling your questions respectfully, he tried to push you out of the campground. If you're going to have any credibility with an elected official, you'll have to admit that you shouldn't have cussed at the ranger, but you should make the case that he seemed determined to ruin your vacation. You can make the case that if this guy has such a power complex that he'd do this to you and your family, he's probably doing the same thing to others. You can make the case that if he's doing this to others, he's ruining the experience that the citizens should get when their tax money goes into the park system.

This strategy would have been more effective if you'd gone to the elected officials back in 2005. The incident would have been fresh at the time, and they would be worried about an out of control ranger doing something else stupid. If you'd complained, your elected official had done nothing, and the ranger created an even bigger problem a few weeks later, you could make the elected official look bad by telling the media that you'd complained about the guy and gotten no action. If he's managed not to create any more situations in these three years, he might be able to skate around this one. Obviously, this strategy will be much less effective if the park is managed by a city or county so that none of the elected officials with power over the park are people that you can vote for or against.

I can't condone your cussing at a law enforcement officer, but the guy seems to be in love with himself and in love with the idea of pushing people around. That kind of person shouldn't be in any position of authority. While you may not be able to spare yourself some punishment, getting this guy fired would be some justice. Furthermore, getting him fired would do some good for society.


Actually "cussing" at law enforcement or useing fighting words is free speech. Some courts have actualy ruled that they are held to a higher standard because they are expected to keep their cool in situations above and beyond whats expected of a normal citizen (because of their job) even when someones useing "fighting words". Obviously it's not smart to do because unless there's a video camera in the background they can make up all sorts of stuff.

I really suggest you contact organizations that have a history of free speech cases (both liberal and conservative) and ask for help.


New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Thanks Gecko I am looking now. I finally got good Internet installed. Now pages won't take 5-10 mintutes to load and even then have errors. I can also now upload pics and attach files to email which I couldn't do in over 10 days.


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Wow man, that sucks. When its over with and you get in trouble for somthing you dont feel was over the edge it makes me go, man...I shoulda got real gangsta on the butts...LOL I kept that G rated lol! Had you punched him in the gorrilla it would got you another expencive charge but I know if I where you I would have felt better ablout paying the cash, If I had made myself feel better lol.


This is too funny. You arent' guilty? You had no other recourse? There was no way you thought before you swore at a law enforcement agent, creating public nuissance and alarm and then runing away from him while he was trying to effect a lawful arrest that would have probably ended in a summons for you and a slap on the hand by a judge at a later date? If you felt you were unfairly overcharged did you ever think of going to civil court? Did you ever think of talking to someone else instead of flying off the handle?

I am glad that liberal judges decision was thrown out by a judge who had some sense to him. Suck it up, you're messed up and made some progressively bad choices that got you into hotter and hotter water.
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