Thermostat question


New Member
I am getting ready to upgrade my tanks and small rack that I am going to build to heat tape and I've been doing research on them far as prices and options and etc.and I've been noticing that some of em say something about a night drop option? ? Can someone explain to me what that is. I've tryd looking it up but couldn't find anything on it.and another question how do I go about hooking up multiple strips of heat tape to one thermostat?


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Night drop cable allows the thermostat to drop in temperature at night. This is great for simulating the low temps that occur in nature. For leopard geckos, its not necessary.

As far as heat tape... You can either run the heat tape in 1 or a few longer strips, or you can get a thermostat that has up to 6 plugs on it like a Ranco.
You can also run heat tape in a line by having cords that run from one strip to the next but it takes a person skilled at electrical work to do this. I wouldnt take the chance of creating a fire hazard because I did not wire it correctly.


New Member
Oh ok.Thanks very much for clearing that up for me lol and far as thermostat I'm looking at getting a herpstat just a basic one and it has two plug ins and what I plan in having is like a four shelf rack and I was wondering if o could just hook up each shelves heat tape using the cords with heat clips at one end and regular electrical plug in at the end then plug all of those into an extension cord or multi outlet plug and then plug that into the thermostat?

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