They may be Pet Store Leos....


New Member
Spencerville, OH.
But they will always be our babies. ;) The female was the first one we bought from some mom and pop shop, on an impulse buy, which by the way, is what started the whole gecko craze for us. Then I snuck back in and scooped up the male about 2 weeks later. The female we suspected only to be about 3 months old when we got her, and I would definitely say the male was less than a month as he still had all his bandings.

This first pic was taken just maybe a few weeks after we got them. We got them sometime in march and pic says April 6, 2011. Side by side. Male on Right, hatchling, and female on left.


Now the most recent, August of 2012.

Female first -



and big boss -




I know not many care for normals like this, but I sometimes just look at the before and after pics and am amazed how much for the better they have changed over the last year. Of course these are the only two we ever bought from a pet store and have come a long way since then but they are special to us, just as much as any other gecko we've had or have.

It's funny too, because we knew nothing of leos when we bought them so the guy supposedly educated us when we bought them. The whole, it's ok to put them on sand, don't feed mealies because they eat through their stomach, keep a day lamp on them, etc. :p

The male has a regenerated tail which I believe is fault of being with the female. At the time we didn't know to keep them separated because she was larger than him, and I think she may have grabbed hold somewhere along the line. Just my theory though as I never witnessed it. Lots of lessons and things learned just from these two.


New Member
Between two terrariums
Aye, there's hardly any black/brown on the body at all compared to my Normal, and it looks like there was quite a bit of color on the male's tail even before the regen -- they're a little bit fancy, really. :main_laugh:
Very pretty either way though, lots of lovely orange.


New Member
Spencerville, OH.
Thank you for the correction. Now I think about it, I think I recall someone saying something about high yellow as well somewhere else quite some time ago. Stupid me lol. Thanks again for the comments. :)


New Member
Spencerville, OH.
Haha, yeah, tell me about it. I had absolutely no clue he would get that big when I first got him. What I find kind of interesting is he is 101 grams and she's 73 grams, as of right now. I find it funny because he was so tiny compared to her when we got them, and now he pretty well trumped her in weight.


New Member
Very nice. And there's nothing wrong with normals
I just picked up one last night. she was an abandoned that was sick with another. The lady that works there is a breeder and nursed her back to health. So i brought her home. and she's beautiful.

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