Think before your Breed!!!


New Member
I'm really glad this thread was posted. I want to be a small breeder of leopard geckos, but just for the enjoyment of it, not for the money. I used to breed siamese fighting fish, but then I got into geckos. I really enjoy taking care of my leos so it would just be a hobby for me. Great thread! :main_thumbsup:


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
GGG's Profit and Loss Statement

A couple of months ago I asked a few of the breeders about what they went through and stuff. I got an interesting little thing from Marcia which she posted at the Fauna Classified Forums. It was GGG's Profit and Loss Statement. I figured I'd share it over here along with the link to the thread... I hope Marcia doesn't mind :)

Golden Gate Geckos said:
I thought I would post Golden Gate Gecko's Profit and Loss Statement for the year 2005:

Total Sales: $18,345.90
Paid help: -$800.00
Geckos in: -$2,580.00
Feeders: -$2,155.00
Veterinary: -$438.00
Supplies: -$1,148.51
Advertising: -$1,126.00
PayPal/Credit card fees: -$527.50
Show expenses: -$980.50
Misc. expenses: -$263.60
Mileage (1860 x 0.40) -$744.00

GROSS PROFIT: $7,582.79
Avg. hours worked: 1280
My hourly rate of pay: $5.92/hr.
GGG's P & L

I thought this might be an eye opener for some.

On another note, I'm looking to start breeding for the love of geckos. I've had two normal females for 10 years. I've never had the time nor the money to start breeding. Now I do, so I am looking forward to it. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
McDonough, Ga
crayolaskies said:
I'm really glad this thread was posted. I want to be a small breeder of leopard geckos, but just for the enjoyment of it, not for the money. I really enjoy taking care of my leos so it would just be a hobby for me. Great thread! :main_thumbsup:

I agree totally, it is strictly a hobby for me to enjoy, and I am going to love stiving for something new, that is where the reward is for me. Since day one, when I purchased my first not-strictly-pet gecko, from Paul Allen, he became a great friend and a mentor so to speak with gecko breeding, and I knew from talking to him it had to be hobby and not something you expect to get wealthy from because the cost involved with care and purchasing of the geckos takes away anything you might make unless you create something new as Felicia said earlier.


New Member
I kept Herps Long before I got into breeding. I love reptiles and dreamed of doing something I love for a living. Since I was already keeping lots of herps I knew first hand that It costs alot of money and that if I started breeding it would cost a lot more. I have yet to sell my first gecko and I can not tell you how much I have put into them because I have not added it all up. (I do keep receipts though). But I know that it will be a long long time before I ever brake even. But I will. I will have my own business doing what I love and I will make money doing it. I wont get rich doing it...but I will make enough considering I have a husband who makes enough money anyway lol. Most people won't make money because It is not really what they intend to do. It is just a hobby for them and if it happens to make them money, well thats a pluss. But If you know what you are doing, think ahead, have a business plan and are good with money or are willing to hire someone who is, it can be done. Most New business Fail, It's a fact. But If it is your dream to do something and you put all the effort in the world into achiving your goal You can do it. But it must be done because you love doing it, not because you love the money. If you love the money.....frankly, there are alot easier ways to make it.

Awesome thred Felicia. Anyone thinking of breeding should read it.
Last edited:


New Member
I would like to add that my plans go far beyond just breeding leopard geckos on an online website. I plan to one day open my own Reptile shop Where all the animals will either be bred by me or other reputable breeders. I just realized that every one is probably thinking I'm crazy for being so confident in a little website and online classifides lol.


New Member
moved from texas to italy
...another importanting thing to keep in mind after marcia post is:
little more than 5 $ for huor...AND YOU NEED TO WORK THE 1TH OF JAN, THE CHRISTMANS DAY, YOUR BIRTHDAY...etc etc...;)
...working with animals don't know sunday and holyday...


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Yes there is no days off either, that's a great point Marula. Last year was great for me, as I was able to take all my leos with me to FL, on vacation. Next summer is going to be hard for me to leave them in someone elses care while I go.


Felicia, let me be the first to volunteer to care for your babies. :D
I'll be breeding for the first time this year. I know I'll end up keeping a lot of the babies and some friends and family members want a few. About 5 months ago I started talking to pet store owners about selling them a few. I told them that I'd set up the cage properly and only agree to sell the babies to them if the left the cage the way I wanted it. Two stores agreed. Both stores are places the I frequent and feel confident that the babies will be well cared for and will go to good homes. For me, it will always be a hobby. No delusions of riches here.


New Member
BalloonzForU said:
Yes there is no days off either, that's a great point Marula. Last year was great for me, as I was able to take all my leos with me to FL, on vacation. Next summer is going to be hard for me to leave them in someone elses care while I go.

I wish there were one person I could trust with my Animals so I could go on vacation. Most of the people I am close enough to actually trust alone in my home are either afraid of them or really have no interest in learning how to care for them.

So thats another thing you need to think of before breeding. If you are the kind of person who travels alot, Unless you have someone trustworty enough to care for them, Breeding may not be right for you.

I just thought of another thing. If You are a very busy person who already has a 9-5 job along with other resposibilities like Children and house keeping. You may not be able to find the time to care for 50-100 plus geckos at a time. I have a very small collection compared to most people here and I spend a decent amount of time every day caring for my geckos. Just remember, One or two geckos are very easy to care for so it's easy to asume that having more wont be much different. But once you have a lot, it can be very time consuming. Lucky for me, I love every minute of it and have tuns of time onmy hands lol!

Dieter's Geckos

that is very much information. I asked myself this question so many times
and I decided to Breed with my geckos. For de moment I have 7 females and 3 male's, but 4 F. don't breed this season I think.

Greetz Dieter

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