Thinking about getting a snake..



I've been thinking about adding to our reptile collection by adding a snake to the family. From everything I've red the corn snakes are a perfect beginner snake, but I would also like to know how milk and king snakes compare.

I've searched and found that Corns were, to most people, better than Ball Pythons, but nobody mentioned Milks or Kings.

My first priority would be a snake which doesn't mind being handled. Second would be something that's relatively easy to care for and doesn't require a specific temp or humidity. The final requirement is that it doesn't grow past 3 feet long.

I'm pretty sure I just described a Corn snake, but I would like to know if Kings and Milks are about the same.




First, many corn snakes will grow to five or six feet long. If the three foot requirement is an absolute, then I would strongly advise against a corn snake.

Secondly, kings and milks have different personalities. Some are very calm. Some aren't so calm. I have three, and all of them are nice animals. They sometimes get a little upset when first lifted from the cage, but they calm quickly.

Thirdly, all snakes require some kind of temperature or humidity. If you have a corn snake, you still need a source of heat and some means of controlling the heat. A corn snake in a cage with no heat is not going to be a healthy corn snake.

I disagree with the assertion that corn snakes are better than ball pythons. They may be marginally less sensitive to bad husbandry, but I wouldn't say that they are really easier to keep. We all make mistakes, but with any of these species, just a little effort to learn what you are doing will be enough to ensure that your animal is happy and healthy.

If you're open to another suggestion, you might look at the variable kingsnakes or thayeri kingsnakes as they are called. They are gorgeous little snakes that come in a wide variety of color patterns. They have good dispositions, are generally good eaters, and should stay under three feet in length. I have two, and I expect both of them to get no longer than 32 inches.



Thanks, Bill, that's good info, but we ended up with this little creamsicle back in February.

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