Thinking about trying it once.


New Member
I'm considering doing a one-time breeding project with my two leos. My female Murphy Patternless is 48g and my male is 69g (I think I said in a post a few weeks ago he was almost 80 lol... was a typo). Still not too sure what he is but I'll attach a pic below, pretty sure he's some sort of tangerine?

Anyways, I have read a lot about leos since I got them since I can never learn enough, and have read breeding tidbits along the way. I know a lot of the basics but of course if I do decide to do this I want to know as much as possible.
Are there any website suggestions anyone could link?

I have the extra space, time and money to dedicate to this, and with summer coming up I'll have a lot of extra time. I'm also getting a dubia colony started (just got the breeders in this weekend) so hopefully by the time the eggs hatch (again, if I DO decide to do this) they can have some of those along with mealworms and occasional crix.
I've also considered what to expect in terms of how many eggs will be produced. If I do this and end up with a lot of babies, I will probably keep one or two, but we do have family friends who run a pet store that said they would take any babies if we get our hands full. Like I said I can care for the babies but would only like to keep one or two, maybe three as pets, and the others can go to trusted people, when they are big enough.

Here's a picture of my male without flash:

With flash:

Eye pic:

Now just a couple questions...

Any clues what Rufus (my male) could be?
Would it be a good idea to breed them according to their morphs?
If so, what are the possible offspring morphs?
I haven't found a good answer yet, but what's a good weight to breed females? I think Pidge is too small, but maybe not... she's just set on staying about 50g :main_rolleyes: I've tried fattening her up (not for breeding but because she seems too small to be healthy weight).

Thanks for taking a look and any answers to come, all advice is appreciated! I want to make sure that if I end up doing this that I know exactly what I'm doing.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Your male looks to be a hypo tangerine (few body spots). I can't tell whether or not he is a stripe (probably not) because of the regrown tail. He may have genes for other characteristics but there is no way to know this by looking at him.

It seems as if you have done a lot of valuable thinking about this. I would recommend doing a google search for "leoapard gecko breeding". Read whatever you come up with and note the information that is frequently repeated as this is the most likely to be accurate. Read through the incubation and breeding forums here. Copy and paste into your own document any information that seems worthwhile. Check out I wrote an article a few years ago about caring for hatchlings.

If you breed your geckos together, you will likely get normal leopard geckos with some degree of tangerine color and some degree of spotting. If for some reason your male has a gene for patternless, some of the babies will be patternless. Some people recommend only breeding geckos whose genetics are known. I don't necessarily agree and posted at length about that yesterday (I think) so you can look for the post.

Your female is a bit on the small side, though if she is several years old and clearly full grown I think it would be OK to breed her.

HOpe it works out for you.



New Member
Thanks for the information! I think I'll actually wait a little while before trying anything, if only to put some weight on Pidge. I'm actually not too sure if I will breed though as I can be a little paranoid and wouldn't want to risk one of them getting hurt since I know this is their first breeding (they were too young when I got them). I will have to think about it more but thanks again!

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