Thinking I have Eggs


New Member
I just looked into my Humid hut this morning and noticed 2 white oval things in my hut, hopefully they are eggs, but they look really soft and my Geckos are only about 5-8 months old.

Does anybody know if they are soft shell eggs? I can't find much online on what they look like....

Here is a pic of what i found this morning


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Those are eggs, and the one in the back is dented already. They will dry out if they are at the air! You need to put them in a closed tupperware container on a slightly moist substrate. Search the forums for how moist :main_yes: If you want to preserve them, put them in an incubator (at 82-83F for female hatchlings, at 87-91F for male hatchlings).

If you don't have an incubator, put them in your cage in a closed tupperware where you reach that kind of temperature. They look good (at least the undented one).

The shell is soft when they are freshly laid, and will get hard the next day. Your geckos were a bit young to be together for breeding, but they CAN do it successfully even then. It's not healthy for the female, though. Watch her closely and make sure she starts eating again if she stopped.

Good luck!



Yeah I agree with faster a female leo should be in my oppion should be a at lease a year befor you should breed her. No I am not a breeder but have done alot of studing and know some people in the past that will say the samething. :)

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